It should not surprise us that many people believe that rainwater is another way Mother Nature provides us with the water we need each day. After all, the rain that falls down from the sky is the same rain that helps in the growth of plants. Unfortunately, in the modern context, the above belief is only true to a certain extent. These days, each drop of rain that falls can pick up contaminants and pollutants associated with modern-day living, particularly vehicular emissions, which hang in the air for a long time.
But despite this unclean reality we all face, there’s still a way to make rain cleaner, and the even better news is that the technology used to make rain cleaner is one that’s able to purify rain to make it so safe that even little children (whose digestive systems can be quite sensitive) can consume it.
The thing is, this technology is a series of components of a rainwater collection or harvesting system, a home addition that’s needed for those homeowners looking to use rainwater for a variety of tasks and chores. That said, it follows that this technology cannot be used as they are and that fully appreciating their role in purifying rain to make it safe even for kids to consume means knowing what the rest of the system does as well.
What is a Rainwater Harvesting or Collection System Composed Of?
Catchment Area
The catchment area can be considered as the first part of the rainwater harvesting system, as this is where the rain that ends up in the rainwater storage tank (more on this one below) lands.
Any wide, flat surface can serve as a catchment area, but the best option is an unpainted angled roof made of metal. A catchment area must be unpainted, as paint contains substances unsafe to humans and animals. The catchment area should be angled so rain can go down the next section of the system, which is the drainage. Lastly, the catchment area must be made of metal, particularly stainless steel, since stainless steel does not corrode and does not contain substances that can compromise the safety and cleanliness of rainwater.
Drainage Area
The drainage area is where rainwater that has fallen on the catchment area goes next. This section of the rainwater harvesting system is composed of any number of food-grade pipes, and link catchment area and water storage tank together.
Meshes, Filters, First Flush Diverter, and Purification System
These are the components that can make rainwater so pure that you don’t have to worry about a child consuming it. Meshes keep out large debris and insects. Filters have pores that are only visible through a microscope, thus making them capable of keeping out most microscopic contaminants and pollutants. The first flush diverter keeps out the first flush of rain that gets into the system during the first minutes of rain. The purification system is any mechanical, chemical, or UV system that eliminates harmful microscopic particles and substances.
Rainwater Storage Tank
Why exactly does your home need a rainwater storage tank? Simple. A rainwater storage tank ensures that all the water collected during the whole time it rained that day stays clean and safe for immediate or future use.
The pump ensures even distribution of collected rainwater to parts of the house the rainwater collection system is connected to, thus allowing for easy use and access to safe and clean water by anyone in the property.
A lot of things are needed to turn rain into a reliable source of water for the entire family. Aside from the components mentioned above, there’s the time and effort needed to set them all up properly. But the entire system is a worthwhile investment as it ensures the security of water for the family regardless of the season.
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