3 Signs You Need to Replace Your Rainwater Tank

Nowadays, an eco-friendly lifestyle means adjusting sustainable ways to meet our needs. This is why turning to other water supplies is becoming popular. One of these supplies is rainwater, and one way to collect it is through the use of rainwater tanks or rain barrels

Rainwater tanks are excellent for the environment. They’re also economical and helps people become self-sufficient. People often use collected water from rain and water runoff from the pipes attached gutter of rooftops.   

On average, for every 2.54 cm of rain, one can harvest 2,000 liters of water on a 92.9 m2 roof. The collected water can be used to flush toilets, water gardens, or water cars. Some even use rainwater for drinking after it’s been purified correctly.  

While rainwater tanks can make collecting and storing rainwater easier, there are some things that you need to learn to make sure that it’s in tip-top condition. For instance, different rainwater tanks’ lifespans vary depending on the material used. Besides, outside factors should be considered, such as harsh weather conditions and other circumstances or calamities that one wouldn’t expect.  

Finally, it’s essential to know if the tank needs to be replaced or repaired. The water stored inside can be contaminated, or it can go to waste due to leakage. This is why you need to act fast. To help you out, we’ve made an easy list below for you to know if your tank needs replacement or reparation.  

Signs that the rainwater tank needs to be replaced

When deciding to replace your rainwater tank, you’ll need to make sure that the issues can’t be repaired. Furthermore, you’ll need to call your rainwater tank supplier to be able to exhaust their services, including the warranty. Plus, it would be a good idea to look into the different rainwater tanks that will suit your needs by clicking the page here

1. Damaged floor and other irreparable damage

The first tell-tale sign that your rainwater tank needs to be replaced is when the bottom of the tank is damaged. The main reason for this is over-pressurization, but other factors can contribute to it. This kind of damage includes other comparable forms of deterioration.

And the vital thing to remember when you spot this sign is to replace it as soon as possible as these can cause severe leaks and further ruin to your tank. Again, contacting your rainwater supplier will be your first step so that they can examine it and give you a suggestion on what to do next.

2. Reduced structural strength

Storing water takes a lot of structural strength to withstand pressure, weight, and extreme weather conditions. Although there may be no cracks or corrosion in the tank, the structure might not be as reliable as it was before. If you think that there might be a risk in this area, you’ll have to call your supplier to check its condition. If they’re sure that the tank would be too dangerous to use any further, a replacement tank might be necessary.

3. It has reached its lifespan

Regardless of the material or design, any tank has an expected lifetime of at least 20 years. This is why they usually come with a warranty of 20-25 years. However, that’s if the tank is maintained to last this long. As mentioned, other factors are sure to affect the condition of your tank. Thus, the 20-year lifespan might even be reduced.  

Signs that the rainwater tank needs repairs

Rainwater tanks can be expensive, so making necessary repairs before the damage worsens is advised. While you can probably make some DIY repairs, it’s better to call it in because your provider should include repairs and other services to your warranty and purchase.  

1. Superficial and small cracks

Regularly inspecting your tank for any dents or manageable cracks will help you spot any issues before it gets worse. Superficial damage can be repaired, but you’ll need a second opinion to see how it can be resolved. 

2. Leaking  

Some cracks might not be noticeable, but leaks will surely be something you can easily observe. If there are any leaks and you can’t find the source, getting it serviced immediately should be your top priority. Perhaps there is an unseen problem with the tank, pipes, or installation. 

3. Problems with the inflow and overflow ratio

If you notice the tank overflowing from the top, there might be a problem with water flow speed into your tank. This can also be caused by poor installation. Getting qualified help and services can solve this issue. Trying to fix this yourself might not be the best idea as it does take some expertise to see the cause of the case.  


Rainwater tanks aren’t indestructible, so it needs care and maintenance to last as long as its expected lifespan. However, some damage can’t be helped from time to time. But you’ll have to inspect it regularly to spot any cracks or leaks. Aside from inspection, cleaning your tank is another way to avoid water contamination. You’ll also find that cleaning the water sources, such as the gutter or pipes, would help the rainwater tank and pump work at its top condition. That being said, if you find any issues that troubles you, contacting your rainwater tank provider is the best way for you to find out how bad the problem is and what you can do about it.  

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