The weather is forever on our minds as people who dress for the heat or cold, we look to make sure we don’t need to wear rain boots if the day is pretty enough to wear sandals. So when going out and we know that the weather may be watering our lawns, what kind of umbrella keeps your freshly washed hair dry? ShedRain should be the brand that you rely on to keep yourself dry on rainy, wet days.
I, personally have never paid attention to the brand name of my umbrella before. But you can bet yourself that I will from now on. I had seen commercials and fun ads for pretty, fashionable umbrellas. Because I grew up in sunny Florida, where if you don’t like the weather you are currently experiencing, you wait a few minutes and it’ll be different. Rain showers last only several minutes on hot afternoons. It’s true. Just ask anybody who’s ever lived in Florida.
But when I was sent several umbrellas from ShedRain, I started really looking at the umbrellas I currently owned. They are old, manual umbrellas that invert when a hard wind gusts by me. It was inconvenient, but hey, I had an umbrella. I had no reason to complain. I always wanted a pretty one, but there was always something else more important that needed to be bought.
However, after using the umbrellas from ShedRain, I’ve decided to never own another brand again in my life. These are amazing. Not only are they pretty and all that, but they are also sturdy, well made, and will withstand those rough winds without unnaturally inverting.
The Bubble Umbrella
Auto opening, clear with a fun flamingo print, this Bubble Umbrella is so cute that I am going to have to fight my teenage daughter for it. It has a perfect little plastic crook handle and 52” of hair-hair-style saving protection, and it comes in more than one print should you not want flamingos and pineapples. The Bubble Umbrella is made with sturdy fiberglass ribs and a chromed steel shaft. It’s so cute and the fact that it has fun designs but is still clear…genius!
Hands-Free Texting Umbrella
Technology has made us all rely on our phones for everything, including finding our way when we are lost. Texting is a given no matter what is going on during the day. So when it’s raining, you have your hands full of work supplies, how are you going to text your bestie to meet you at the local coffee shop if you have to hold an umbrella and your briefcase? You have the Hands-Free Texting Umbrella so that you can multitask in the rain! This is a fun handle on a pretty umbrella. This sleek design is simple but also brilliant because it allows something as simple as texting, browsing the internet, or catching up on your social media without having to drop whatever you’re carrying in a mud puddle. The thermoplastic rubber grip loop handle won’t slip off your wrist, the steel shaft of this manual umbrella is tough enough to handle just about anything and the bright color choices make it the perfect gift for a newlywed or a college student.
UnBelievaBrella Reverse Umbrella
Let’s talk about a unique design for a minute. Umbrellas have been around since the 4th century BC. Folks have used them to keep the sun, snow, and rain off of their heads for centuries now. Why in the world did it take someone this long to realize that there could be a better way to get into your car on a rainy day without getting soaked? Seriously…Check out this UnBelievaBrella! This is a genius design with not only an inverted, reverse close design, but also a fun handle that allows you to hang it in your car (or at home), text, or carry it without the actual bother of holding it. It’s amazing! After I received this, I was talking to a friend and she said that her company gave them to all the employees last year as a thank you for their hard work. These umbrellas not only make a great gift but think about what having one will do for your cool factor!
For more information or to find out how to get one of these amazingly creative, sturdy, and fashionable umbrellas for yourself, your mom, grandmother, significant other or friend, visit them online.