Guide to Decluttering With a Big Family

Big families are an immense joy. However, it is a handful of work too. If no one is paying attention, the mess is easy to create in big family homes. And then it takes a lot of time and effort to change that. Especially when it comes to hefty seasonal projects like decluttering, everyone needs to roll up their sleeves. The key is in a good organization. At home, there is always something to do. Cleaning, sorting, rearranging, and restyling are just some of the examples. But how you do the work can make a significant difference. Thus, this is our guide to decluttering with a big family. We hope that you will find some valuable tips here.

Evaluate the situation- in this case, the mess

You have decided to declutter the family home, and you have already set the date. But how long since you actually made a tour around the whole house and evaluated the situation? Our suggestion is to do that first. You won’t be able to plan your undertaking otherwise. Or, at least, you won’t be able to plan it well. Once you know what is in the closet, it is much easier to sort that closet out. Start your inspection room by room. Bring a paper and a pen to write a few notes as well. Once you have it all sorted in your head, or even better written down, you are ready for the next step.

Evaluate all the potential problems and difficulties before decluttering with a big family[/caption]

Make a decluttering plan following the evaluation

Once you have made an inventory list, you can proceed with making the comprehensive plan of tidying up. This part is essential because:

  • It gives you a clear idea of where to begin, what to do next, and how to finish.
  • Making the layout of decluttering will ease your tension. By simply following the written steps, you avoid overthinking during the process as well.
  • You can handle the delegation of duties better.
  • It is a good motivation when you have the solutions and final goal in front of you.
  • If you miss out on something, you can quickly go back by simply referring to your list of chores.

So, not only will making a decluttering plan help you handle the tasks before you more quickly, but it is also a great way to reduce anxiety and improve productivity.

Make a priority list

Besides a general draft of how your cleaning will look, you need a more detailed list of items. This list, or a few of them, should show different categories of clutter. When decluttering with a big family, it is sometimes difficult to keep track of what is a throwing material and what is valuable to someone. Here, one person from the family can volunteer for this task. But an even better solution is for everyone to note down what they are throwing away. And what, on the other hand, cannot be disposed of by any chance. The objects with the utmost priority, such as baby items, should always go on top of the list.

A good idea is for everyone to write a list of priority items so that nothing gets inadvertently thrown away

Include everyone when decluttering with a big family

A big family means a big mess, but also many hands to clear it. Make sure you utilize this advantage. You can decide on who gets to be in charge of what task based on skills or preferences. As long as everyone is willing to help and happy with their role, there should be no difficulties. Of course, you cannot expect everything to go exactly according to the plan. So, leave buffer time for unplanned occurrences and a person to be in charge of the miscellaneous, if possible.

Start from the secret room

Everyone has that room in the house where they don’t ever bring anyone aside from household members. That secret room contains all the unsorted mess that couldn’t find its place anywhere else. For some, that is the attic; for others, the basement, and sometimes it is a random space. Aways start with this room. It is the most exhausting part, and you should take care of it while still fresh and rested. Besides, that space served as improvised storage until now. Once cleaned, it can be used as storage again, only a much better-organized one. It is one of the great ways to refresh your home on the budget.

When decluttering with a big family, you may conclude you need an additional storage space

No matter how big your house is, when decluttering with a big family, chances are, you will run out of space. Here different storage units may come in very practical. Imagine the amount of time and space that you can save by simply renting a right-size storage unit and letting look after your things. You no longer need to squeeze stuff by force or spend hours thinking of the right strategy to fit everything into a restricted space. Besides, it is the ultimate way always to know where some of your least used belongings are.

Hire professional help

Having a big family doesn’t have to mean doing everything alone, within the family circle. Hiring professional cleaners and interior designers to improve your home can be the right move. And if you think of all the time and resources each of your family members would have to invest otherwise, hiring help might even turn out to be the more economical solution. For example, you could do some simple repairs around the house while professionals are doing the cleaning. So consider all the aspects and all the available options before you commence decluttering.

Hiring professional help is the best way to save time for the other projects

Finally, decluttering with a big family may not be a child’s play, but it can certainly be amusing. If you decide that you will declutter with your family, make it as fun as possible. Get some colorful quality supplies for the youngest members. Music can often boost everyone’s mood and speed. And if you decide to hire cleaning and storing partners, make sure you choose only from the most trustworthy and reliable ones.

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