5 Incredibly Useful Features of Google Maps You May Not Know

Contributed by Scarlett Watson

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The best features of Google’s mapping app are a bit difficult to find out—till you recognize where you have to look.

Google Maps is amazing for finding locations but it’s just not that for which you can use Google maps. This app is way much more than an admirable Garmin. Maps have almost every kind of influential features and time-saving shortcuts which are to be exposed. So grasp your compass and get prepared: you can check out some of its really cool features right here:

1. Get Totally Hands-Free

We always have trouble using our phones while we are driving. If you are trying to figure out a route, it can be difficult to look forward at the next turn, possibly, or assess how extended is left on the suggested route. If you are a user of the android phone, there is a much better way. Google Maps has the entire sequence of supportive voice instructions which will work every time you are navigating.

You just have to say “Okay, Google” and then go for these instances:

“Which road is this?”
“What’s the next turn?”
“How’s traffic onward?”
“Avoid highways”
“Search gas stations”
“Search restaurants”

You can also make phone calls, send text messages, play your favorite music, or search for your next appointment with it. No need to handle your phone screen. You can do this all with keeping your eyes on the road.

2. Recall Where Have You Parked

You can open Google map on your phone and click on the tiny blue dot that signifies your existing location. It will make more hidden menus visible with some easy options—with the facility to save your present parking location. You write notes and add pictures to it and even fix a time in the timer as a reminder for you to move your vehicle when it’s time. Not only this, you can save and share routes in Google Maps as well.

3. Share Your Real-time Location, While You Are Moving

If you need someone to find you or you are tracking someone, this Google map feature can be really helpful for you as you can share your real-time location through this feature.

To give it a try, open your Google Maps app and click on the blue dot, just as I stated in the earlier tip, but make sure to select, “Share your location” option this time. You can enter an end time for this location sharing or simply can turn off it off later manually. You can then choose a contact from your contact list to share it or you can even get a secretive web link to paste anywhere you can.

You can also access the sharing function while in the midst of a Maps navigation by swiping up from the white bar at the bottom of the screen and then selecting “Share trip progress.” That’ll share your location with whomever you choose until you reach your set destination.

4. Examine What’s Along Your Route Even When Navigating

That same blue dot menu which pulls up when you click the dot as mentioned in the above tips has another outstanding feature and that is the option to hunt places along your existing route.

If you make this option active it will provide you one-tap buttons for searching gas stations, grocery marts, coffee cafes and restaurants along your route from point 1 to point 2. You can also enter specific search query if you would like to see Starbucks or McDonalds is on your current route or not.

5. Catch On What’s Near

A related kind of search is offered in Google Maps when you are not on road. If you want to find out specific places near your existing location or near any other spot simply tap the main search bar of the app. The search bar is at the top of the app. You can try different queries like these:

“Restaurants near here”
“Pharmacies near Figueroa and 1st Street”
“Vegetarian restaurants near my place”
“Bookstores near here”


Scarlett is a tech blogger who loves to write about latest gadgets, mobile apps, and windows hacks. She is a coffee lover and in her free time, she likes being with her family and friends. Read her latest posts on https://www.techntrack.org/


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