The construction industry of the U.S is undoubtedly booming. While the recession had negatively impacted the industry, it has since bounced back. Now, the construction industry contributes 4.3% to the total GDP. The monetary value in 2017 of construction projects was 898.7 billion. Therefore, it is expected that many people are venturing into the real estate and construction industry.
Are you one of them? Do you wish to form a construction company that delivers the best services? Or, maybe you want to employ such a company for your project? In both cases, you need to find the ideal construction team.
Various characteristics make a construction team productive and efficient. Here are the major ones.
An experienced leader
It doesn’t mattller how skilled each of the team members is, if they are not led properly, they will fail. Having a sound leader to guide the team through and keep morale high is directly linked to the productivity of the team. Generally, each member is only concerned with achieving his or her goal. An excellent leader is able to glue the team together and make sure their goals are aligned with the main project goals.
A clear understanding of responsibilities and tasks
The construction team must be well versed on their duties and responsibilities. The construction team is made of people belonging to different fields. For instance, you will have designers, contractors, and architect working in the same team. Here, it is essential that the team leader relays the required tasks to each member and sets deadlines. Team members must be aware of what is expected of him or her. This makes sure that the entire team can get their job done on time.
Individual expertise
Let’ say you find a skilled leader to lead the team who clearly relays each person’s job responsibilities to them. Is this enough to deliver quality? No. Regardless of how perfect the other characteristics are, individual skills can make or break the team. You must make sure that the team you assemble is equipped with the required technical expertise. They must be great at their job. You might find that some of such people will cost you more in terms of wages. However, in the broad spectrum of things, skilled people are much more productive and hence cost-effective. There is less probability of injuries and errors, further reducing cost.
Good communicators
How do you ensure that the team is cohesive and gels well together? It is true that their job responsibilities are likely to be different from one another. However, at one point or another, the team will need to communicate among themselves. This is why members of the team must be good at establishing rapport.
Moreover, communication and other soft skills also come in handy when communicating with other stakeholders. Most investors look for contractors that are good communicators. You can create a dream team without having members that are good at communicating.
Respecting deadlines
For investors, time is money. If your company is given a project and a project completion time is specified, you must stick to it. However, it is impossible for you to do so unless the construction team abides by their deadlines. The project completion time isn’t the only deadline in a project. Instead, the project manager is likely to divide the project into multiple stages. The ideal team would be one who abides by all of these deadlines. You might not think much of the smaller deadlines, but in the bigger picture, they matter. These delays are what causes companies to fail to deliver the project on time, and hence cost their investors more money.
How to find the dream construction team?
Now you are aware of which characteristics to look for in a construction team. However, some of these characteristics are not easy to identify. So, how do you ensure that you find the best team that ticks all the right boxes?
No one can tell you better about the different traits of a construction team than those who have availed their service. Ask the company for the client portfolio. Do your research. See whether the team is indeed the dream team for your project or your company.
Author Bio:
Evie harrison is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences and express herself through her blogs. Find her on Twitter:@iamevieharrison
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