We tend to think about our furnaces only during the heating season. However, once the heating season starts, you may end up facing some issues with your furnace. Fortunately, most of those problems are easily avoided by a regular maintenance. Even if you skipped it, most breakdowns are easily repaired by skilled professionals like Action AC.
However, there are some instances when your furnace is telling you that it is nearing the end of its work life and that it might be time to invest in a new one. Keep an eye on these problems.
Strange Noises Coming from the Furnace
By now, you are probably familiar with your furnace and the way it normally runs. However, if there are some changes in the operation, like rattling or banging sounds when you turn it on, it may be an indication of wear and tear. In milder cases, it may merit a visit by a technician to repair it, but in more severe cases, it is a clear indication that the furnace is giving out.
The same thing goes for the blower which turns on and off too frequently. It simply indicates that the furnace has served as long as it could, but is now starting to become unreliable and should be replaced.
Your Thermostat Is Inconsistent
Most people have a preferred thermostat setting and they seldom change it when they are at home. If you do the same, but lately you feel either too hot or too cold or both, it may not be the fault of the thermostat. You should check the thermostat as well, but the culprit may be the furnace, especially if it’s old. It may simply be unable to evenly and consistently distribute heat to all parts of your home.
Your Heating Bill Is Higher Than Usual
If you’ve had your furnace for a while, you probably know the ballpark figure of your monthly heating bill. However, if this figure has increased lately for no apparent reason, it may be due to the inefficiency of your furnace. Before you assume the worst, make sure that your ducts are properly sealed and well insulated.
However, if your furnace is the source of the problem, it is more reasonable to replace it than pay extra money for heating due to inefficiency caused by a fault furnace.
Your Furnace Is Old
Most furnaces are expected to last 18 years, that’s how long the warranty period is for most of these appliances. However, at the age of 15 or so, the level of efficiency of some furnaces can drop noticeably. If your furnace is around this age, it may be time to consider replacing it, even if it hasn’t broken down or caused any problems.
A lot of advancements have been made since you have last been on the market for a furnace, and there are furnaces rated as ENERGY STAR. These are as much as 15% more effective than most other new furnaces, let alone one which is 15 years old. The savings you make in your heating bill each month will more than pay for themselves very quickly.
You Have Repaired Your Furnace More Than Once Lately
Have you had to repair your furnace over the last two or three years? If it has happened more than once, it may be a strong indication that the furnace is on its last legs. Just like an old car, the older it is, the likelier it is to break down.
Replacing a furnace is a big investment. However, when you add up all the unnecessary costs from your old furnace, you may come to a conclusion that it is well worth the cost.
To contact Action Air Conditioning & Heating of San Diego
4455 Murphy Canyon Rd Suite 100–5, San Diego, CA 92123, USA