How to Help Your Family go Plastic-Free

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It may be challenging to make the switch to a plastic-free lifestyle on your own, but it can be much more difficult if you share your home with others. Habits and routines are typically handed down from generation to generation, which may perpetuate plastic-heavy or unsustainable ways of living. Getting everyone in your family on board is crucial in the journey to plastic-free living. Find out how to eliminate plastic usage in your home!

Avoid using plastic containers

Instead of purchasing bottled water, bring a glass or aluminum water bottle with you and fill it up whenever necessary. Cloth sandwich bags, wooden Bento boxes, lightweight stainless steel food storage boxes, and even meal baskets are all viable solutions.

Photo by Vanesa Giaconi on Unsplash

Though you wish to eliminate plastic from your life, if you’re like most people, you probably already have some reusable plastic containers in your home. You don’t need to get rid of them immediately. It’s also sustainable and completely acceptable to continue using what you already have at home, just make sure not to buy new ones.

Use beeswax food wraps

Honeybee Wraps are a great alternative to plastic or aluminum foil because they can be used more than once. The wax-lined cloth can also be found in many different patterns. What’s also great about beeswax wraps is that they’re free of microplastics, making them a much healthier alternative too. If you’re interested in this, you can read more here.

Assess your waste habits

First, think twice before throwing anything out of the house. Instead, perform an audit of waste by having a look into your garbage cans and recycling bins. Make a mental note of what you see. Plus, pay close attention to what you’re putting into the can at all times. This way, you’ll know how much plastic waste you’re producing as a family.

Take it a step further and keep a log of your waste for a week. Make sure to keep track of anything you throw out, reuse, or recycle. Don’t overlook the hidden bins in the lavatory, bedroom, or study! When you’re done with your audit, you’ll have a clear idea of what changes will have the most impact on your home’s plastic use.

Go about your food shopping with more care

From simple to complex advice: while supermarket shopping, avoid purchasing anything that comes in plastic packaging. Purchasing food items in the west is the greatest challenge to a plastic-free lifestyle. Here are some suggestions to lessen the burden of plastic-free food shopping.

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Remember to bring your own shopping bags. Never place products in separate plastic bags. Make sure to fill the bag to the max when you’re packing. Your meat should be wrapped in just paper when you get it from the butcher. Never forget to choose items that don’t have plastic wrapping and think about whether or not boxes of cereal or granola include hidden plastic packaging on the inside. Finally, don’t buy ready-made food from the grocery stores such as sushi.

It’s going to be hard, and you may have to give up some of your favorite things, but ask yourself this: are chips more important to you than ensuring our children have a healthy earth to live in?

Green-up your cleaning supplies

Refill the empty bottles with bulk pouches or cleaning concentrates instead of constantly purchasing new ones. By doing this easy lifestyle change for a greener home, your plastic use will be cut in half. However, you shouldn’t forget the other components of your cleaning kit.

Wool dryer balls may reduce static and save drying time, making them a great alternative to disposable plastic dryer sheets. Scrubbing should be done with a natural-fiber cleaning cloth or a bamboo brush. Instead of buying individual dishwashing tablets, consider using
powdered detergent.

Buy baby kit second-hand

If you’re expanding your family, you know that babies need a lot of gear, albeit not quite as much as you’ll see advertised. Several items are available to make your life as a parent simpler, such as strollers, bouncers, bath seats, and highchairs. But this is mostly constructed of disposable plastic and lasts just a few months at best.

Sharing resources is an important part of plastic-free parenting. Alternatively, you may avoid having your baby’s little feet leave a massive plastic footprint by purchasing pre-loved shoes online and saving a ton of money. You may sell, give away, or donate all of this to a baby
bank when you no longer need it.

Celebrate your plastic-free life

Now that you’ve started your journey to a plastic-free life, you should celebrate it! Your family is on the right side of eco-history. Having said that, plastic can be hard to avoid when you throw parties.

Photo by Maria Ilves on Unsplash

Plastic tableware, favor bags, and treats galore are commonplace at any kid-friendly celebrations. Use eco-friendly alternatives to the conventional party supply market.

Use bamboo or uncoated cardboard items if you can’t stomach the additional dishwashing. Instead of buying individually wrapped goodies for your party, consider making them yourself or purchasing them in bulk.

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