How Experts Use Neodymium Magnets for Fishing

There used to be a time when anyone you see in the water with a fishing line was hunting for fish, but this is not the case presently. Today, many enthusiasts head out to the water with magnets to fish. What are they fishing for you ask? Well, anything that a magnet can pull out of the water. A lost world war treasure, a component from a shipping vessel, or a lost metal piece buried in the water that may be treasure in the right hands. 

There are many reasons why you want to consider trying out magnet fishing if you haven’t tried it before. Aside from the fact that it could be a fun activity that helps you relax and unwind while outdoors, it could also help you find some of the metals in the water that could be doing damage to the marine environment in your area. 

Whether you have made up your mind to head out there with a magnet and fishing line or still contemplating the idea, below is an expert guide on how to use neodymium magnets for fishing metals in the water. 

What is Magnet Fishing? 

Whether you choose to refer to it as a sport or hobby, it simply involves the use of a line which is usually a rope tied to a magnet to search for metal pieces in the water. This simple act has since grown to become one that has garnered the interest and support of many governments around the world. 

Many seniors and older adults take it as a hobby that helps them spend quality time outdoors and get them out of staying indoors all day. For the younger generation, it could be more of a quest or treasure hunt where they hope to find something that will be of value or the very least wow them. 

The simple truth is that there is a lot to benefit from spending time out at sea or close to the water. It could be a therapeutic way to enjoy fresh air, or better yet exercise the body while you hang out with friends and forget about all the challenges that come with life on land. This page has more on how fishing could be beneficial to you. 

How to Use Neodymium Magnets for Fishing?

There is not much you require, a piece of quality rope, a strong neodymium magnet, and the right fishing spot should be just right to start with. But you must understand there is a right way to do magnet fishing. Just as you will need to ensure that you have a boat to begin your quest, you also want to follow it with a lot of open mind as to what you expect to find in the water. 

Get the Right Gear 

You can expect that the gear required to fish for the metal in the water will surely be different from those used for traditional fishing. So to begin, below are the things you will need to begin your hunt. 

A Rope 

For most people, the rope is the most important piece of gear required. And this is true when you come to think of it. You want something strong enough to contend with the strength of the magnet and the pull of the water as you try to pull out the catch from below. So as a matter of importance you want to get a strong rope that functions as the line attached to the magnet which then enters the water to begin the hunt. 

A rod may not be required except you intend to twist the rope around the pole to offer a better grip so you can easily direct the action in the water. But when it comes to the right choice of rope, a nylon paracord will be best to offer better resistance in the water and offer a better grip on the magnet while down below. 

Neodymium Magnet 

The act of magnet fishing will be incomplete without a magnet. And the neodymium variety is the best option to choose when in the market for magnet fishing. As a rare earth element, neodymium offers a firm grip when attached to metal pieces and is capable of withstanding the stress of the exerted force that is experienced when it comes to pulling out of the water. Even for ones that weigh under 4lbs, they are capable of pulling out objects that weigh as much as 600lbs.

You want to choose those that have a clip attached to the flat magnetic surface for which you will have to pass the rope through to make the knot to hold it in place. You can find those that are made specifically for magnet fishing, and these are usually the best to look out for when shopping. The internet and your local fishing supply store should have just what you need to begin your quest for metal search in the water. 

Other Supplies You Need 

If you will be traveling far into the ocean to search for metal, you will need to get a boat to take you out to sea. And you want to make sure that it is one with a motor in the best working condition. You will also require gloves to protect your hand as you hold on to the rope and pull out your find. A storage container is also required to keep your magnets and help you move around the different locations with your find. It will also come in handy when you need to keep the metal pieces you find as you carry on your quest. 

How to Go About Magnet Fishing 

You will have to tie the rope properly to the magnet once you have picked out your spot. You want to make a knot that tightens on itself, and the right one to use here will be the Palomar knot that offers great strength to fish in water and hang on to pieces without loosening. Next up is to cast your rope into the water and wait until you notice a pull on the rope. 

You will have to keep swinging on the rope gradually to increase your chances of catching something. You should know that you will need to be patient when it comes to magnet fishing. This could be your strongest weapon on the quest as it is possible to come back empty-handed after hours of hanging around the water. This page has more on how to be successful with magnet fishing. 

Best Places for Magnet Fishing 

Anybody of water could just be ideal to get started in. But you want to know specifically the best locations that can increase your chances of finding something worthwhile. The best place to begin is around water bodies that are close to human settlement. This will be ideal as it only means there is a good chance that you can find metal pieces that have been tossed into the water by people living close by. 

Around swimming areas also offer a good chance since there is the opportunity to find something that was lost while swimming. You can also try less visited areas close to rivers, swamps, and ponds as they are likely to have pieces that have been hidden looking to be unearthed. Areas with historical attributes such as abandoned industrial locations, war zones, and towns that have since been uninhabited could be worth checking out to see what you can find. 

Final Note 

As a beginner, you want to learn more about how to be successful when you use magnets to fish for the metal in the water. There are many online resources dedicated to the act, and you can find groups that are enthusiastic about going on metal hunting quests at sea. You want to remember not to throw away safety out of the window when you head out there. It could also be worthwhile to go in a group to make it more exciting as you go about your adventure. 


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