Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is mistakenly thought of as an illness that only affects children. However, roughly 4.4% of adults have an ADHD diagnosis, and many more are misdiagnosed with anxiety or depression but actually have ADHD. Children diagnosed with ADHD grow into adults with ADHD and have to learn to cope with the disorder’s symptoms as they enter the workforce.
The Core Symptoms of ADHD in Adults
The core symptoms of ADHD include difficulty focusing, staying on task, remembering information. People report being disorganized, having poor time management skills, and experiencing mood swings. Often, these symptoms lead to problems at home, work, and interpersonal relationships. As a result, many adults with ADHD report depression and anxiety as well as low self-esteem.
So, how do people cope with ADHD symptoms?
Managing Symptoms of Adult ADHD
The good news is that, when given medication, therapy, and the proper skills, adults with ADHD are able to completely manage their symptoms and live healthy, happy lives.
Medication is vital for managing many of the cognitive symptoms of ADHD. Previously, receiving a diagnosis and obtaining prescriptions to manage symptoms was made difficult because of mental health stigmas and the propensity for misdiagnosis. However, changing social views and the development of remote medical services allow people to receive diagnoses, therapy, and ADHD medication online.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) therapy is crucial for revealing the connection between a person’s thoughts and their behaviors. Through CBT therapy, adults with ADHD learn about how their thoughts and behaviors reinforce each other in a feedback loop that can lead to downward spirals of depression and anxiety. This is why therapy is an essential part of the equation for managing ADHD symptoms.
There are many behavioral skills adults with ADHD can learn to help them better manage symptoms of the disorder. Check out this helpful guide from the American Academy of Family Physicians for managing symptoms of adult ADHD.
Do You Have Adult ADHD?
If you are experiencing symptoms associated with ADHD, like being unable to focus, feeling disorganized, and mentally foggy, then you aren’t alone. Remember ADHD can sometimes hide as other diagnoses. Reach out to your mental healthcare provider to get screened for adult ADHD.
About the Author
Roni Davis is a writer, blogger, and legal assistant operating out of the greater Philadelphia area.