7 Effective Ways to Connect With Your Kids This Summer

Sometimes you as a parent might feel you are not connecting with your kids as often as required. Perhaps you feel like a gap has been created between you or fear your kids might start engaging in things you disapprove of.

As a parent, it’s normal for you to have this feeling, but you should not worry as you can solve them easily. Read below and discover the seven effective ways to connect with kids child this summer.

Try Listening to Your Kids

Change the narrative and do things differently by offering your kids a listening ear.

You can start by asking them how their day is and what they want to do, among other things. Ask them questions as it shows you want to know more about them. They will not tell you everything in one day or sitting, so you must cultivate patience. It will take time to build the connection you want, so listen to how they express themselves and try to remember what they tell you.

Differentiate Time for Parenting and Time for Friendship

You will always be a parent to your kids no matter what, as you are responsible for your kid’s well-being. You want your kids to feel cared for, safe, and loved by you. Being friends with your kids is also important as it is the greatest feeling ever.

You will be happy that your kids can tell you anything and count on you. You also feel your kids can trust you with any information they have and can always run to you if they want advice but remember not to take it too far.

Show Interest in What They Love

Talking alone will not help you connect with your kids, which means more is needed, like taking an interest in what they love. For example, if your kids love playing with toys, watching a cartoon, or playing video games, then it would be a good idea to join them. Play along with them and ask if any rules need to be followed.

When you do activities based on their interest, they will learn more effectively and get to open up. Even though you will find they shut you out sometimes, do not get irritated as you will always find something you can do together.

Go Camping

Summertime is here, and you do not have to spend your day indoors as there are many outdoor activities you can engage in with your child. For instance, you can go camping in PA together and get connected with the natural world.

Camping is important for your kids’ well-being as they learn to be resilient, develop a sense of adventure, and even explore. Involve your child in pitching your tent and carrying supplies needed, and you be happy seeing your kids smile as you do these activities together. You will rejuvenate your mind and body and make memories on which you will always look back.

Allow Them to Join Your World

As a parent, you need to work and do different chores to make your family life comfortable. You will find that the more you are busy, the more you will likely not get time to spend with your kids. Eventually, the connection you had drifted away, and to avoid that, you can let your kids join your world.

If your favorite thing to do is yoga, cycling, or going to the gym, invite your kids to go with you. Let them get to see what your day comprises. You can also take them to your workplace; that way, they will meet your colleagues and know what you do. You will be showing them who you are, and you might be surprised they might develop an interest in your world.

Try Something New

You know your kid’s interests, they know what you like then it will be good to try to find a new hobby. You can tell them to search for something new that you can do together. Give them the chance to choose an activity neither of you has done.

Here there are no rules to follow or someone to act as a leader as you are all new in it. Together you will have created an experience and a connection.

Just Enjoy Life this Summer

The homework, academics, work, and house chores all make you and your kids feel stressed. You need time to relax and enjoy life. If you need to work, you can still enjoy it by creating a balance between work and fun moments with your kids. Create a schedule for everyday fun activities.

Ask your kids what they want to do and figure out various activities you can do together. Some of these activities can be;

  • Baking
  • Making homemade ice-cream
  • Getting wet
  • Taking photos with funny faces
  • Decorating your house


Make more memories this summer with your kids. Limit the use of gadgets like the cell phone and have fun, and do not forget to create a summer album.


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