When you typically think of Mother’s Day meals, you might picture going to a crowded restaurant for brunch. However, you can save money and have a much more pleasant meal at home. A homemade lunch will provide your family and the woman who’s being honored with a spectacular day of celebration. These are three recipes for a perfect Mother’s Day luncheon.
Shrimp Ceviche
When making a list of refreshing dishes, shrimp ceviche should jump to the top. This is a great dish for those who are avoiding carbs or wanting something healthy. On a hot day, it’s as satisfying as a tall glass of lemonade. It’s ridiculously simple. Chop 2 large onions, half a bunch of cilantro, half a cucumber, and two pounds of tomatoes in your food processor into small pieces. Mix together in a large glass bowl. Cube 3 large avocadoes and add to the mix. Add a pound of detailed cooked shrimp. Squeeze 4-8 large lemons. Squirt a cup or two of ketchup into the mix and 4 oz of orange soda. Salt to taste. Refrigerate till it’s ready to serve. This fresh and tangy cocktail will be sure to be the talk of the party. Mix everything together and enjoy with crackers or tostadas.
Apple Pie Cookie Bars
There are all kinds of desserts worth considering, but for our money, you can’t go wrong with a classic apple pie. You can buy one premade, but it’s much more special to make one from scratch. Buy your favorite ready to bake oatmeal cookie roll and follow those baking instructions. Roll out the dough and press down in the bottom of a pan. Dump one can of apple pie filling and cover the pan entirely. Sprinkle your favorite caramels on top and bake per the cookie instructions. You will have a pie-like cookie bar that will smell delicious and will be sure to make your family proud. The best part is how easy it is to make.
Chicken Salad Sandwiches
A chicken salad sandwich should be more than just combining shredded chicken with mayonnaise and putting it between two slices of bread. Show the same love to making these sandwiches as your mother has shown to you. Spice it up with things like almonds, halved grapes, chopped celery, a squirt of Dijon mustard and a touch of lime juice. The bread also makes a big difference in your sandwich quality. Get some brioche buns and toast them until golden brown. With this kind of care, you can change the game for a lunchtime staple. Serve with a fruit salad for a great meal.
It doesn’t matter if your Mother’s Day luncheon doesn’t have the fanciest ingredient or the best chefs cooking it. What matters is that it comes from the heart and that the mother in question is made to feel as special as possible. These recipes are mouthwatering and can make your Mother’s Day celebration all the more heartwarming.