Guest post contributed by Stella Grant
Prior preparation plays a vital role in ensuring a successful recreational tour. Before you hit the road, you should make sure that you have carried along every things that you need for the days that will be away. Consider making a check list and menu for the meals you wish to have. When you set aside all that you need, move on the next step and start packing.
1. Canned Food
Canned food such as baked beans and fruits are good to use for desserts and side dishes. They are easy to store and have a long shelf life, but they are heavy and bulky. Place them in medium-sized plastic bags when packing to prevent them from sliding around.
2. Dry Items
If you want to carry along dry food items whose original packages are already open, consider using saleable plastic containers. Such containers are air tight and stackable.
It is essential to use those that are clear for you to see through for easier access. Air-tight containers prevent food from mildew and water damage. Place dry food on drawers or high shelves since they are not heavy.
3. RV Refrigerator
When packing food in the fridge, you need to be extra cautious. Before you start packing. you need to power your refrigerator allow it to reach the optimum temperature that is ideal for cooling. One should pack food items that are highly perishable in the fridge.
Make sure that you close food containers tightly before packing. Ensure that products that come in sachets such as milk do not have spillage you pack them. Pay close attention to weather changes and adjust the refrigerator temperatures accordingly. In case the weather is hot and sunny, make the temperature to be cold. When the weather is chilly adjust the temperature levels to warm up the refrigerator. Avoid cramming the refrigerator to allow proper circulation of air.
When in transit, ensure that the refrigerator door is locked to prevent food from falling off in case the door accidentally fly open on the bumpy road. Another way of ensuring food safety is by using transition bars. Pack your RV properly on a level to allow the refrigerator works at all times.
4. Glass Containers
One way of avoiding the headache of dealing with glass is to avoid using it at all cost.Avoid buying food that is packed in glass containers and go for those that are in plastic or other unbreakable packing products.
However, if you cannot keep away from glass, consider buying containers that are RV safe. Place them in plastic containers and ensure that you put the heavy items at the bottom and those that are light at the top. Another way of keeping glass products safe is by wrapping them individually using wrapping paper to keep them from breaking once they hit on to each other. Glass appliances are usually heavy thus one should place them on lower cabinets.
5. Dehydrated And Dry Foods
The advantages of dehydrated and dry food include being light in weight and staying for a long before they spoil. Such products include dry soup mixes, instant oatmeal, and instant coffee. Pack such products on drawers and ensure that you group them according to their purpose for easier access.
Proper packing plays a vital role in protecting food from spoilage and spillage. In most cases, there can be insects infestation in RVs. Containers help in keeping these disturbing insects from reaching the food.
However, food that is in the refrigerator needs both proper packing and energy for it to remain fresh and secure. Energy powers the refrigerator thus allowing it to maintain a cold temperature that keeps perishables for long without spoiling.
If your Rv does not have a sustainable power source, consider buying a portable generator. The best Generator for RV should be small in size and light in weight. It should also have the capability to generate a reliable amount of energy to keep your running. It should also run quietly to allow you to sleep without disturbance. It is also important to acquire a generator that has high holding capacity for fuel.
Generators can run on three types of fuel which include diesel, gas, and propane. Diesel generators are rare to find while those that run on gasoline are easy to find and economical to run. Prop generators are friendly to the environment, but propane is hard to find in case one needs to refuel.
My name is Stella Grant . I am the founder of Automotive is my passion, and I’m looking forward to sharing it with everyone.