Things To Consider When Supporting Your Male Partner With Hair Loss

Hair loss can be a traumatizing thing. Still, even if you’re not affected by it yourself, that doesn’t mean it won’t touch your life in some capacity. 

After all, one-fifth of men are reportedly to start balding by age 20, and rates obviously go up as age increases. Moreover, it can almost be sprung upon them out of nowhere, with early signs fast becoming complete baldness in some guys. If your male partner is suffering from hair loss, you’ll naturally want to do everything you can for them. We’ve listed some quick ideas to help you make progress. 

Tact is Required

There are varying responses a person might have to hair loss. Some might be more affected than others. 

Unfortunately, men pretend not to be too bothered about losing their hair. Still, despite the experience being normalized for them, they can still feel worried about their image, so it’s a good idea to be sensitive about the issue and leave room for dialogue. Try not to take positive surface emotions at face value. 

Of course, you shouldn’t constantly badger your partner about their feelings on the issue. If you do this, they may feel that baldness is as big an issue as it is in their heads. Let them know you’re there for them as a general point, and eventually, they may voice their concerns, which you can then discuss. 

Read About Transplant Solutions 

Transplants aren’t just about quick cosmetic procedures. While the results here are amazing, the experience can also be extremely comforting and informative.

For example, if you know your partner’s self-esteem is taking a serious blow, you can recommend resources for them that address the nuances of their hair loss. You could focus on temple hair loss, for instance, and learn about signs, non-surgical preventative treatments, and how to book a consultation to discuss your partner’s specific circumstances. Under these measures, they can take things at their own pace with you at their side. 

Of course, there are some conversations that a professional is better suited to lead. If you’re going to engage with the experts, adopt a learner’s mentality yourself so that you can provide better support to your partner both during and after treatment. 

Hair loss can sometimes be genetic and have no solutions beyond a transplant. However, it can sometimes be a result of poor lifestyle factors too. 

For example, poor sleep and an inadequate diet can make hair loss more likely. Habits such as smoking can cause damage to hair’s roots, once again exacerbating the issue too. Therefore, if your partner is experiencing hair loss, it may be a good idea to focus their attention on related matters they can do more about in their own time.  

Of course, your partner may not be as sensitive when talking about the issues just listed. Moreover, it’s easier to create a proactive plan in addressing concerns like sleep and diet. Making progress here can help them feel proactive and as if they’re making progress, which may lift them out of their misery and either slow or prevent their hair loss. 

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