The Importance Of Using Trusted Advice During Your Pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, you might notice that your senses are in overdrive. Your sense of smell, touch, and taste go from normal to supernormal. Many mothers report that even their gut feeling or mothering instinct become much more heightened.

This leads us to question the old wives tales of pregnancy and we realize that our aunt might not have all the most up to date advice regarding pregnancy. There are so many sources of information that want to tell us this and that about pregnancy. But how do we know if those sources are trustworthy?

Continue reading to find some of the more reliable sources out there, like Nutricia Careline.

Advantages Of Trusted Sources

Finding trusted advice during your pregnancy is crucial especially for a first time mum. Most mothers have many questions and rightly so. This is one of the most important life events you’ll experience as well as one of the most important roles. And as the proverb says: Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counsellors, there is safety.


To become an obstetrician and/or gynaecologist in Australia, it takes 12 years. Four years for the Bachelor’s degree, four years for a medical degree and another four years for a residency. It is therefore fair to say that these specialised doctors are definitely an authoritative source of advice when it comes to your pregnancy.

But you need to feel safe and respected when you are meeting with your doctor. He/she needs to answer all your questions and not be in a hurry to see the next patient. He/she will be at the birth of your child and this in itself makes this particular patient/doctor relationship very important.

Your health care provider will be able to advise you regarding the suggested amount of weight gain, which prenatal supplements will suit you, what types of food to avoid and which physical activities are good for expectant mothers. Don’t be shy, ask away. They’ve probably heard all kinds of questions before anyway.

Nurses And Midwives

Nurses and midwives are sometimes the unsung heroes for all the love and care they give to the patients. They study for their vocation and the wealth of knowledge that they have because of their experience in the field is a very trusted source of information for you. If you have questions they will help you.


There are various helplines out there which are a great source of advice for any issues or questions you may have. If you dial 1800 842 098 the trained experienced midwives, dietitians and nutritionists at Nutricia Careline are available to offer you advice and support. If you are in need of advice and support or simply want some information about pregnancy, birth, being a parent and raising a child, please dial 1800 882 436 as this is the National Pregnancy, Birth and Baby helpline. The National Breastfeeding Helpline on 1800 686 268 will be able to assist you if you have problems with lactation or feeding schedules. If you have an emergency, you can dial 000 and you will be able to get the help you need.

Support Structure

Family and friends have a way of getting us out of the dumps with a cup of coffee or just being there for a nice chat. Your mum or mother-in-law will have gone through what you are going through now, so ask them for help and advice if you need it. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the wealth of information and common sense they have tucked away for you.

You Are Not Alone

As you can see, the proverb is true. There really is safety in a multitude of counsellors. And as you will notice, people have quite a soft spot for expectant mothers. They want to help. Let them, but also remember to follow your motherly intuition. It is there for a reason, trust in it, follow it, but most of all, enjoy this experience.

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