Drastic changes occur during pregnancy, and it is normal to feel the need to know more about what will happen to your body or what you can do to keep you and the growing child healthy.
Photo by Anastasiia Chepinska on Unsplash
You might read several pregnancy books, guides, and forums to give you more insights regarding the process and suffering and how to overcome them.
More often than not, you would tap some mothers to ask for advice, especially tricks and tips that are proven effective through their personal experiences.
These remarks might range from advice passed on from generation to generation to newly found ones useful during the mothers’ pregnancy. However, although such things are well-meaning, many of them might be incorrect information.
Below are some of the top facts and myths.
1) Myth: It is not safe to exercise during pregnancy.
Fact: Although high-intensity workouts are not allowed, low to moderate-intensity movements benefit your pregnancy. Keeping active can help regulate your weight and contribute to healthier labor. However, your exercises must depend on your activity level; therefore, consulting your doctor is necessary.
2) Myth: Ingesting caffeine is not healthy for the baby.
Fact: Drinking and eating foods containing caffeine should be kept in moderation, as studies say that low levels of the said component are not harmful to the growing fetus. Around 12 ounces or 1.5 cups of coffee should suffice every day. But every pregnancy is different, so the amount of intake allowed might also vary.
3) Myth: You will soon go into labor if you lose the pregnancy mucus plug.
Fact: The loss of mucus plug is because of the opening and softening of the cervix. But your cervix might take a few weeks to expand and dilate. Although it cannot be a sign that you are going into labor, this indicates that your baby is getting ready to get out.
4) Myth: Morning sickness only happens during the morning.
Fact: Even though it is called morning sickness, it can persist during lunchtime and even haunt you the whole day. You can feel it anytime, especially in your 6th to 14th week. There is still no definite cause, but it might be due to fluctuating hormones.
Pregnant women usually ask for tips and advice that can help them ensure a healthy pregnancy, which might take receiving lots of correct and incorrect information. You should double-check whatever opinion you hear, as though well-meaning, they might not be helpful to your pregnancy and might even cause you unnecessary anxiety. It is much better to consult your doctor about things you should and should not do.