New Keurig? 4 Tips for Maintaining Your Beloved Coffee Maker

A Keurig can make a great cup of coffee in under a minute, and you don’t have to worry about grinding beans or measuring water every time you want a refreshing beverage. While these devices should last for quite some time, there are few steps that you will need to take to avoid common issues such as clogged hoses and sediment in the water reservoir. Here is a quick look at four maintenance tips that will keep your Keurig working flawlessly in the coming years.

Use Filtered Water

One of the worst things that you can put into a coffee maker is hard water that is filled with sediment. In addition to ruining your drinks, hard water will also clog the filters and hoses. Those who don’t have a whole-home water filter should use bottled water that has been purified or distilled. Any minerals that are in your water will alter the taste of the coffee and potentially damage the machine.

Run Cleaning Cycles

Even though most high-quality coffee pods, like those from 11th Street Coffee, won’t leave much residue in the Keurig, you should still run a cleaning cycle after every few uses. A cleaning cycle is nothing more than running one or two cups of hot water through the Keurig with no K-Cups in the machine. The hot water should lift away any sediment that has gotten trapped in the needle or coffee pod cradle. For stronger beverages such as apple cider, you might need to run three or four cups of hot water through the machine to completely remove any lingering odors.

Descale Every Few Months

No matter how pure your water might be, you still need to descale the Keurig every three to six months. Premade descaling solutions can be purchased from Keurig, but many people use plain distilled white vinegar to clean their coffee makers. After adding a few tablespoons of vinegar to the water reservoir, you should carry out at least six brewing cycles. Once the reservoir is empty, you will then need to run six cycles of pure water through the system.

Clean the Needle Once a Week

Just above the coffee pod cradle in your Keurig is a small needle that punctures the K-Cups. Regularly using the Keurig should keep the needle relatively clean, but you might need to occasionally dislodge residue with a paperclip. The needle can easily be accessed by lifting the plastic housing that conceals the coffee pods. After the residue has been removed, you should run one brewing cycle before making yourself a cup of coffee.

No matter how much time you spend cleaning and maintaining your Keurig, accidents can happen at any time. That is why it is so important to activate your warranty before you brew your first cup of coffee. With an active warranty, Keurig will be much more likely to replace your coffee maker if there are any damaged or defective parts.

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