Too many students slip through the school systems because they don’t grasp this math concept or that one. Without the early basic principles, harder math is just a language that they don’t understand. CTCMath is a website that not only helps with basic math concepts, it also helps with the more complex ones.
Why Choose CTCMath?
With school starting back very soon, I worry that my upcoming 9th grader will be behind because he hasn’t applied himself ever. Don’t get me wrong, he’s smart. He just hasn’t cared and now that he’s going to high school, playing sports and has a goal of becoming a Marine. Grades are going to come into play sooner rather than later.
Internet websites have unlimited abilities to share so much information it can get overwhelming to choose the right one. My son has worked with websites through the school’s website. These are endorsed by the school board and they are great. The kids learn a lot. But what happens when the kid goes home? Yes, some school boards make those sites available to students at home, but when the school year ends, or they need more help than the “sponsored” websites can offer, where does the student turn?
In my son’s case, he could come home and ask his dad and me for help, but I’m helpless when it comes to math. My husband is much better at it than I am, however, he doesn’t explain it where our son can understand it. My husband understands it in his head, but when he tries to explain it, it’s like he’s speaking a whole other language.
Does it Work for Older Students?
Over the summer, I had my son log on to a popular website to make sure he understood all the concepts before he starts high school. Unfortunately, the site he was using, unbeknownst to me, was so complicated that he didn’t understand what he was learning.
This is where CTCMath comes in. A friend of mine asked me if I’d ever heard of CTCMath and how wonderful it is for her children, whom she homeschools. She knows that math has been hard for my son and even more difficult because he wasn’t talking to us about it.
CTCMath has been a great tool that has really started helping him. The instructor, Patrick Murray, speaks clearly, has visuals for the student, and explains the concepts clearly. My son told me that he likes this website much more because there’s not a lot of bells and whistles, no flashing lights, weird cartoon characters or fast-talking instructors.
What Makes CTCMath Different
Murray is so clear on his explanation of each subject. My son has a hard time with division. He always has. Since CTCMath allows students to learn at their own pace, they can stop and rewind the lesson, they build confidence, they can access this website 24/7 and they can even skip ahead to any of the 1400+ lessons and be ahead of their class at school.
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