How to Choose the Perfect Flooring Option for the One Bedroom Granny Flat Designs

Guest post contributed by Amelie Lawrence 

While selecting the One bedroom granny flat designs, it is important to make sure that the floor plans are impressive. They are bound to deliver an enviable impression both to the users as well as visitors. Polyvinyl cladding plays an important role in making the house durable for the users. Small homes provide an ideal option for the users to live in and enjoy the amazing lifestyle secluded from the bustle of the city.

  •  Floor frames

Concrete floor frames are amazing and last for a very long time. It gels well with the joists and can easily withstand different types of shocks. The total width of the frames is about 450 mm and it plays an important role in supporting the different types of walls. Color band metal colored fascia can be applied across the floor to make it aesthetically appealing to the homeowners.

  • Floor tiles

One of the most endearing aspects of the floor designs are the floor tiles that would go a long way in capturing the fascination of the users. Colorful tiles laid out across the walls in synchronized colors would appear amazing and beautiful to the visitors. For instance, neutral colors are quite popular among the home owners.

  • One bedroom design

The bedroom is designed for a single person and accordingly, the floors are planned for the users. The single occupant can easily live in the cozy home. It is quite different from the conventional granny homes and the floor area would be significantly lesser.

A single common attribute in the floor plan for the granny flat is the optimization of the available space. Space utilization will be a top priority when designing one bedroom granny flats.

  • Customization

Designs are customized according to the requirements and the specifications of the users. The open plan consists of the dining and the kitchen space that attracts the attention of the people. A very large bedroom forms an important part of the floor plan. It is vital to design the structure that will help to make the house more durable and long lasting.

A separate laundry is also provided to the homeowners that is very ergonomic and can be accessed from the living room area.

Prior to implementing the floor plan, you should get a small prototype of the same on the weather board. One bedroom granny flat designs should be modeled with absolute clarity. Users can select the best designs according to their desires and preferences. What more, once selected, the whole process of construction can be extremely fast and can be completed within a short time frame.

  • Assembling is the key

Since prefabrication technology has shot into fame, it has captured the imagination of the people. The floor tiles are created separately and assembled at the user’s site. They are bound to go a long way in making your simple dream home.

If a cabin structure is to be created, it is important to design the floors in such a way that it culminates into the smaller backyard so that the family can enjoy the weekends and holidays. In addition, the floor connects the single bathroom to the living area directly instead of the bedroom. It is an important design theme because visitors would not have to step into the bedroom to use the bathroom.

All interior decor items like sofas, beds, bed lamps, Venetian blinds, kitchen cabinets, electronic gadgets can be shipped in and placed in pre-planned locations with the help of either your friends or movers. In fact, if they are all brand new, the respective retailers would arrange its installation at your one bedroom granny flat for free as a package upon purchasing from their store.

People who are confused can always seek the support of the experts to get the desired home they are looking for.


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