International moves can be exciting but stressful at the same time. You will experience life on a whole different continent, which is fun, and you also learn about various cultures and live in different environments.
The most stressful part about the international move is shipping your items, especially a car, to the new country. A lot of research and work is involved in making your shipping possible, and it is all worth it.
Once you learn that you need to ship your car, the first step is researching. Compare car shipping companies to know what the requirements are and to prepare your budget. The research is essential if you are keen on financial planning because choosing companies with lower rates help you save some cash.
Steps for Shipping Your Car Overseas
Shipping a car overseas is not cheap, but it saves you more than buying a new one once you get to your destination. The process is also straightforward and easier if you have all the required documents.
Once you confirm that you are going abroad and want to move with your car, follow these steps to prepare.
- Research different car shippers and compare their quotes
- Choose a shipping method
- Get your documents ready
- Prepare the car for the move
1. Researching the Car Shipping Companies
Researching and choosing a car shipping company will be challenging because of the many international shipping service providers available. Start by asking your friends, colleagues, and family for recommendations.
If someone you know had a good experience with a moving company, you are highly likely to enjoy the company’s services. But you must do more research on the company—its services may have changed over time from good to bad.
The other option is researching on the internet. You can check the first few results that appear when you type international car shipping companies. Call their offices to gauge their customer service. Ensure you ask if they offer services from your location to your destination.
Check if it is licensed and insured. The insurance company will reimburse you if there is damage during the trip. You can also meet face-to-face with these companies to gauge how they treat their customers. During the meetings, ask for license and insurance numbers for verification.
Ensure you compare the shipping costs for the companies you have chosen. While the budget should not be your first and only priority, it is an essential factor in the transportation of your car.
2. Choose a Shipping Method
There are many options to choose from when you need to ship your car overseas. What you choose depends on your budget, time, and how safe you want your car to be. Some of the shipping options you have are:
● Consolidated Vehicle Shipping
Consolidated vehicle shipping is a standard method of moving your car to different countries. In this shipping method, your vehicle will be packed in a container together with other cars being shipped to the same destination.
Note that the consolidated vehicle shipping method takes longer for your car to arrive because the container must be filled before leaving. But it is a cheaper option and also secures your vehicle.
● Sole Container Shipping
You can choose the sole container shipping method to transport your car overseas. It is fast and safe, but you will pay more. Once you book a container, fill in the paperwork, and pay the bill, the transportation begins.
3. Get the Documents Ready
When researching the different car shipping companies, check their requirements, including the documents needed. These papers must be ready before you start processing the moving process.
Some of the essential documents shipping companies ask for are:
- An original certificate of title for your car or a certified copy of the original
- Vehicle registration
- Your ID
- Bill of landing
- A filled U.S. Customs and Border Protect Vehicle Export Sheet
- Notarized bill of sale
- Completed EPA forms to verify emissions compliance
- A completed Export Power of Attorney
- Completed DOT forms for safety compliance
- Other documents for your vehicle
Getting or knowing all the documentation needed for the shipping of your car can be challenging. To be sure about the papers required, ask the shipping company. You can also contact the port of entry and ask about all the requirements.
4. Prepare Your Car for Shipping
Once you identify the shipping company, choose a suitable shipping method, and get all the documents ready, you can start preparing for your car’s departure. Most car owners take the shipping opportunity to transport items inside their vehicles, but it won’t be possible.
Shipping companies have rules around the cars being transported. The only items that should be in the vehicle during the shipping are those related to the car. You can add your reflectors and spare tires.
Ensure you remove documents like your car registration certificate and insurance information. The shipping company will also advise on the amount of gas you should have in the car during transportation.
When shipping the car, car owners overlook the vehicle’s condition and tire pressure. Note that customs agents at the border will inspect the vehicle to verify that it is clean and free from pests. To be safe and save time using the inspections, ensure you thoroughly wash your car, vacuum it, and, if necessary, fumigate it.
How Much Will It Cost You to Ship a Car Overseas?
The cost of moving a car overseas is not definite because many factors are considered when setting it. These factors create different rates for various shipping companies.
On average, you are likely to spend between $1,000 and $5,000 to ship your car, depending on your chosen shipment method and the company you work with. Some factors that affect the shipping cost are the distance covered, time of the year, and type of travel.
Choosing a company to ship your car to the new country is a crucial step that car owners must be careful with. During your research, check the shipping company’s website for people’s reviews and ratings. It helps you know what to expect when working with a specific service provider.