Advice for Aspiring Female Film and Television Producers

If you’re a woman with a passion for making quality movies and television shows, there’s no better time to get involved than the present. Despite the challenges women in the entertainment industry have faced, it is completely possible to have a successful, rewarding career in producing. Here are some tips that can help make your producing dreams come true.

Preferably in a field that has a strong relation to producing, such as theater and film, although broader majors like media studies and communication can also provide suitable pathways. If you study journalism, try dipping your toes into movie-related news and critiques. In all fields, an internship in a film-related job is always a plus, as prior experience is always looked upon positively and often required for more advanced producer jobs. Furthermore, don’t get discouraged if you haven’t studied a career directly related to film, as it’s not necessarily a requirement for all entry-level jobs.

Make Your Voice Heard

Your views and contributions are just as important as everyone else’s. Speak with conviction, and remember that there’s no shame in rehearsing beforehand—not just what you’ll say, but the way you’ll move when you say it (practice bold, assertive motions). Simultaneously, however, don’t fall into the other extreme and not give others a chance to speak. Envision your perspective and theirs on equal footing, and always make it a conversation, in which everyone contributes.

Don’t Give Up

Many women have had long, fruitful careers as producers in the entertainment industry, such as Kathleen Kennedy and Gale Ann Hurd. Despite her tumultuous exit from Live Nation Productions, Heather Parry had a long-running career as a film and television producer, earning numerous awards and accolades. If producing is your passion, stick with it, and don’t get discouraged.

There is no such thing as too many producers, and having more women in the field is always cause for celebration. With the right experience, attitude, and drive, any female producer is likely to go far.

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