8 Arizona Bicycling Laws You Should Know

Biking is a great activity enjoyed by millions for recreation, exercise, and taking in breathtaking scenery. Arizona, in particular, offers much to bicyclists in the way of quality biking trails, beautiful surroundings, and opportunities for creating memorable experiences while interacting with nature.

What You May Not Know

You may think you’re following proper biking and safety protocols as you suit up with your family for a Saturday ride, but without adequate knowledge of Arizona biking laws, you could find yourself violating one or more statutes. As a general rule, vehicles and bicycles share many of the same guidelines; you must obey traffic signs and signals, indicate when you are turning, and yield the right-of-way when another cyclist or motorist appears.

There are some Arizona laws that apply to cyclists only, and knowing these will reduce your risk of accidents and infractions that could lead to traffic violations. Knowing these rules will ensure that you and your crew stay safe and within legal guidelines as you plan your next outing.

1. ARS 28-813–Bicycle Seats

Arizona law states that every bicycle on the road must have a standard seat attached that allows a rider to sit while riding safely. Reputable bicycle manufacturers provide this type of seat, and cyclists are not allowed to swap it out for something that’s not considered safe or standard by law.

This law also covers the issue of single rider safety, making it illegal for riders to engage in “doubling” or sharing a single-seat bike. Unless a bike is specifically designed for two people, this type of stunt riding is against the law.

2. ARS 28-816–Bicycle Handlebars

A bicyclist is not allowed to modify a bicycle by removing handlebars, either. Riders must hold onto handlebars at all times when riding, as letting go and attempting to balance on a bike seat while riding is prohibited.

3. ARS-28-814–Tandem Riding

It is against Arizona bike laws for a bike to be attached to any other vehicle on a roadway. A cyclist in motion may not hang onto another motorized vehicle while in motion. Towing with a rope or chain is strictly against the law as well.

4. ARS-28-815–Pair Riding

It is a common misconception that bikers must ride a single file at all times. This is actually not a law in the state of Arizona, but cyclists should restrict group riding to pairs, with no more than two people side by side. When on designated bike paths, groups of cyclists can ride together as long as it doesn’t impede the flow of traffic.

5. ARS-28-645–Traffic Stops

While it’s expected that Arizona riders uphold and obey all traffic signs and signals, many riders get lackadaisical from time to time about coming to a complete stop at intersections. Regardless of whether traffic is present or not, it is expected that a bicyclist comes to a complete stop at all marked intersections and those containing traffic signals.

6. ARS-28-756–Indicating Movement

It is expected that a bicyclist indicates his intention for movement when sharing the road with other vehicles. Right and left-hand turns, slowing, and stopping are all intended movements that must be indicated to other motorists at all times. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or death.

7. ARS-28-817–Nighttime Biking

It is against the law in the state of Arizona to operate a bicycle after sunset that is not properly outfitted with a headlamp to provide illumination and indicate presence to other drivers.

8. Helmets

It is not required to wear a helmet across the state of Arizona if you are over the age of 18. In fact, only three cities—Sierra Vista, Yuma, and Tucson–require bicyclists under age 18 to wear a helmet. Even with this relaxed directive, it is still a good idea to wear proper safety equipment when biking, particularly if you are sharing the road with other motor vehicles.

Knowing Arizona Biking Laws:

Added Protection for Bicyclists

Knowing a bit more about Arizona’s biking laws will help you know what to do after a bicycle accident. Added knowledge of safety protocols and laws intended to provide additional safety to bicyclists will make your recreational time safe and enjoyable. Making the extra effort to gain knowledge and awareness of Arizona biking laws will reduce your risk of violation and possible injury as you make lasting memories with family and friends.

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