7 Tips to Help You Stay Fit

How you train can make a big difference to your health and fitness. Forget hours slogging away on the treadmill, here are 7 quick tips to help you become harder, better, faster and stronger. Our tips help you get fit and feel great! We talk about much time is needed for training, exercise types and what is best suited to your fitness levels and more.

1. Variety is best

Even if you want to run a marathon, running for as long as possible as your only training won’t get you there. Cross-train to lengthen or strengthen the areas that your dominant workout may neglect over time. Try fitness classes if you normally train solo or a new style altogether, whether it’s Pilates, swimming, functional training, adding some weights or yoga. There are huge benefits to trying new exercise types – even if you’re a complete novice.

2. Time wasting

If time is tight, a 2 min interval between reps is not going to do you much good for gains, If you can’t spend half your life in the gym. HITT, tabata and interval training are all variations of faster rest periods interspersed with higher intensity work periods. A qualified trainer is well worth it as they will keep you on track, even if you hate them just a little!

3. Vary your reps 

If you’re a standard 8 sets of 10 kind of person, get out of your comfort zone. Try progressive sets starting from 3 up to 15 with 15 secs rest between each one. A great HIIT format to maximise gains. 

4. Pre-workout

Skip the pre-workout supplements. If you must, a black espresso is best and has the added benefit of boosting your weight loss potential if you are looking to change your body shape or reduce body fat. 

5. Post workout

Ditto on the post workout – while some people have medical or elite athlete reasons to supplement the vast majority of us do not need those expensive protein shakes. If you must, spread out a single serve consumption over several hours otherwise, the excessive amount of protein will not be absorbed into the body and literally ends up in the toilet. A handful of almonds and a banana to give you a similar nutrition profile for recovery from that hardcore fitness class you tried.

6. When you train

If you train 6am several times a week, your body will be pretty savvy at allocating energy at that time which leads to plateaus. Although it can be hard for people with a busy lifestyle, changing when you train on a regular is highly effective, especially for fat loss.

7. Don’t forget your macros

There are heaps of fad diets and many are highly exclusionary. Most will lead to imbalances and deficiencies if followed long term. For optimal body composition, or even body re-composition, you need your fats, protein and carbs to get the correct array of micro nutrients to function as a human. Seek dietician advice if you want to tweak ratios the most effectively. Unless they have completed a nutrition or dietician qualification, personal training staff are not qualified to do this. Nutrition and training go hand-in-hand, so any body programs should be overseen by qualified staff in fitness training and nutrition strategies.


Your fitness journey need not be boring. Whether you tweak your training type or commit to a more frequent, shorter exercise pattern, a little change can go a long way. So whether it’s a gym in Hawthorn, or a boot camp in Vaucluse, take your fitness up a notch and embrace those gains.

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