5 Smart Tricks to Move to a New Home

Moving is one of the biggest tasks you could have in your household. It’s tough enough to have to obtain all your furniture and important items, but moving them is another story entirely. It’s an organizational nightmare. Not only do you have to pay a lot of money for a moving company, but you also have to make sure everything is packed just right so that you can still have your items when they’ve arrived at your new home. A lot of people have gone through this process, which is why there are some tricks that have been passed down from more experienced movers.

Organize early

Transporting furniture and other items is one of those things we leave for granted when we move houses. You think it’s going to go off without a hitch until you end up with some missing items and a bunch of broken glass. You have to be well prepared in order to successfully move without any issues.

Don’t leave anything up to the last minute. People usually aren’t in a hurry when they’re moving. You have to figure out where you’re going before you can move out. This process takes a while so there’s no excuse for not planning ahead. A thirty-day plan would give you more than enough time to set everything up properly.

Take inventory

If you plan on hiring a moving company, you would best be prepared for the process. You have to have a record of every single household item that you’re transporting. Even if you’re pretty attached to your home, it’s easy to forget about any items that are just small details. If something goes missing, you should have a quick reminder on hand that will make it easier for the moving company to look for it.

Assign a number to each item so it can be a lot easier to sort out your inventory. If you are able to, you can even create a spreadsheet for each box. If you organize items by room it’s going to make the process of locating it even quicker.

Keep valuables close to you

Even when you trust your moving company, a lot of things can go wrong during transport. It’s not very wise to keep your most valuable possessions in the same moving van as other pieces of furniture.

There are all kinds of people out there that might want to take them. It might not even be the moving company crew that does it. Keep in mind that stealing isn’t the only threat you face. Fragile items could break if they are mishandled. You would be surprised at how reckless workers are with boxes that have to be moved. A fragile sticker doesn’t do much anymore.

Rent for easy transport

Some items might be too heavy or clunky for regular transport. Irregular shapes aren’t very good for trucks because they take up a lot of space and they might not get fastened very well. On the other hand, you still have to transport them.

There are lots of alternative ways to move things if you can’t bring them along with you by car or through a moving company. A lot of people look for skip bin hire in Australia to help them move. It’s mostly used for heavy items that you want to be moved without delay. Worst case scenario, you get yourself a large pickup truck that can carry tons of material to help you out.

Go green

Moving tends to create a lot of waste that isn’t very biodegradable. You have tons of boxes that are made from cardboard that will be thrown away after you’ve used them Bubble wrap is extremely useful for storing items that shouldn’t be bumped into, but it’s also just made of plastic which is a pollutant.

In this day and age, a lot of young Australians are looking to decrease their carbon footprint in order to help save the world. There are lots of reusable options you can purchase at home centres. Bubble wrap is essential for truly fragile things, but anything that can take a little bump should be wrapped in thick linens.


Moving can be a difficult process, but everyone has to go through it at least once. Luckily, there are more than enough resources at hand that allow you to make the transition a lot smoother. If you have any doubts about your moving company or your own organization, planning ahead and doing the necessary research will help ease your mind.

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