4 Unique Sports You Should Try as a Hobby

Everyone hears about the most common sports like swimming or basketball. But when you’re tired of seeing and playing the same types of games, look at your alternative options. There are 4 unique sports to consider making into a hobby.


Biribol is volleyball that is played in the water. Its origins are in Birigüi, Brazil. Swimming is not required, and participants often play in shallow pools. The pool must measure 8 meters in length, 4m in width and 1.30m in depth with net measurements that vary based on gender. Compared to a volleyball, the biribol is heavier and harder for an enhanced grip. Two to four players perform on both sides of the net. The rules are similar yet different from those of volleyball.


Jereed is a Turkish horse riding sport that is performed in teams. It is a traditional Turkish game that involves throwing light, wooden spears at rival team members. Despite its origins in Turkey, all players should follow the standard rules of preparing your horse properly. This includes preparing an English tack with comfortable saddles, bridles and other equipment. Jereed has evolved over the millennia, and the most enthusiastic participants are encouraged to create variations of the game.


Traditional dancing is performed for entertainment but not for competition. Dancesport is a competitive form of couples ballroom dancing. The different styles are Latin, rhythm, jazz and smooth dancing. Professional dancers compete at national and international competitions that are set by the World Dance Council and the World DanceSport Federation.

People who do not compete nationally can create their own variations of dancesport. Many people form personalized dance groups consisting of friends or family members. They can perform in any location at home or in a standard ballroom.

Baton Twirling

Baton twirling combines dancing with the manipulation of a baton. The participants are required to be flexible, well coordinated and energetic as they twirl one or more batons. Music, colorful costumes and stage decorations are included in their performances. At the competitive levels, baton twirlers compete as solos, doubles or members of a group.

Any popular sport can be played for fun and not competitively. In addition, you can participate in fun and unusual sports that none of your friends have ever tried before. Consider sports that originated in different countries and came from different time periods. Then, choose one or two to turn into a regular hobby.

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