Why A Makeover Could Be A Great Idea For Summer

When we think of the word ‘makeover,’ it’s not hard to think of the range of reality shows that have taken people in otherwise unfortunate circumstances and helped them see who they really are under the years of self-neglect. This has given the term ‘makeover’ something of a harsh connotation as if to have a makeover you have needed one for a while.

But makeovers don’t have to be a ‘repair’ as much as they can be a ‘difference.’ It can be fun to alternate your style now and again. Perhaps you’re a mother who just wants to reassess their style, or perhaps you have a summer of events planned, or maybe you just want to have one for no particular reason.  You’re well within your rights to.

But why can it be a great idea for summer, especially for those who haven’t even considered this? It’s worth asking those questions, and in this post, we’ll try to both pose them and answer them. Without further ado, let’s get started:

It Helps You Scour Your Wardrobe

A makeover is a good idea from time to time because it can help you take stock of your style and the general measures you use to look good from day to day. For instance, it might be that you haven’t sorted through your shoes for ten years. Perhaps you haven’t even worn some of them for five. Maybe you’ve grown out of them, or have damaged pairs that you’ve been meaning to repair for a while.

The same goes for accessories and little additions, like scarves, or hats, or even certain pieces of jewelery. Of course, it can also be that going through your wardrobe can help you find a range of clothes that you haven’t worn in some time and that may even have holes in them, despite how tight and organized you can be, this is not an uncommon occurrence.

This way, you can go through each piece of your wardrobe over the course of a week or two, and figure out what you’ll do with them. You may decide to make three piles, perhaps one pile you’ll keep, another you’ll sell or give to charity, and the final pile you could repair or have refitted to your current body shape and size.

When you take a full stock of your style like this, you’re more informed when it comes to defining that makeover. This can, in effect, help you in a few ways. First, you’ll be less prone to buying or replacing clothing that you already have. Do you need to purchase a new hat when you have three you’ve barely worn and have now cleaned good as new? You may also decide to put together a few outfits that you haven’t tried before, that are now, funnily enough, in fashion. Furthermore, clothes you may not have worn five years ago now seem as clothes that would do well in today’s style environment. 

Even if most of your clothes are to be sold or given away, at the very least you’ll have opened up space. And in this light, you can feel not only excited about the makeover, but productive thanks to setting the stage for one.

A Little Goes A Long Way

When we think of ‘formatting a makeover,’ it’s very easy to think alongside the presentation of reality shows we have seen in the past. In these shows, it’s often the case that someone undergoes a makeover that completely transitions them from a sorry state to a radiant one, with almost every single element of their style changed.

Of course, the term ‘makeover’ does denote this, but you don’t have to change absolutely everything to enjoy a makeover, nor to be empowered by a style change. It might just be that you wish to purchase a range of fitted clothes,or totally switch up your jewelry. Perhaps you’ve never really worn jewelry, and purchasing a couple of silver bracelets, a watch, and having your tragus pierced could be a lovely new addition that redefines how you present yourself.

Maybe a great new direction could be as simple as switching up your color palette. We would recommend an article that teaches you everything you need to know about hair toner so that you can see just how a little can go a really long way in defining your style. For some people, this effort can help them feel like an entirely new person. What matters is curating the makeover for you, instead of fitting an arbitrary standard you might not have enjoyed conforming to in the first place.

You Don’t Have To Do It Alone

You don’t have to feel as though following a makeover is some grim duty to be suffered alone, a price you must pay for the audacity to look good and feel confident. A makeover is supposed to be fun! It can be creative and enlightening and even inspiring.

So, why not share that? It might be that taking some time to try new styles with a friend, or going shopping with a sibling, or even hiring a stylist for a few days can make a tremendous difference. You might even inspire someone else to enjoy their own makeover. Perhaps someone else you trust could offer their opinion, and help you come to a decision when you’re not sure which direction to go in. After all, a mirror is one thing, but a kind word from a friend can be even more powerful.

A makeover could be a great idea for summer because it can help you kick off said summer with excitement. Perhaps you’d like to do this alone, perhaps you wouldn’t. Either way, you won’t feel boxed in, and you’ll stop feeling like getting everything ‘perfect’ is the best way to enjoy or implement anything to do with style. For some, getting over that hurdle can help them fall in love with fashion again, after a long absence of caring.

You Can Express Yourself Anew

It’s good to express yourself. It can feel empowering to do so. However, there’s a principle here. You, as a person and a mode of living, have no doubt changed in the last year since you had a makeover last. Perhaps you’re entirely different. Maybe you’re a mother or a father. Perhaps you live in an entirely new country, or you’ve just come out of a long relationship. Maybe you’re at the top of your game in your profession.

There’s a false impression about makeovers that suggests in order to have one, you must have made fashion mistakes in the past, mistakes that this ‘makeover’ intends to correct. But is that true? It could just be that a makeover is a process that helps you consider style in terms of who you are now.

So, who are you now? It can be hard to say that explicitly because you’re worth more than just a few sentences. However, perhaps you can express who you are through your style. Then, no words are needed.

You May Inspire Others

You never know just how redesigning your style can help you unlock your self of self-actualization and empowerment. This might inspire others to do the same. Perhaps that can generate discussions and help you bond with people. Even if you’re just posting a few outfits on Instagram or encourage your parent to find their style too, even if they’re becoming a little older, then that’s a job well done.

Style can often be denigrated as something only people who are conceited enjoy, but that’s not true in the slightest. Fashion, and style especially, are celebrations of life. They add a little texture, joy and fun to our lives from the moment we wake up to the moment we sleep. Taking the time to enjoy that yourself may inspire someone in your family or friendship group to do the same. 

Preparing For Events

Of course, it’s true to say that the summer of 2021 may be the first time you have the opportunity to summer-socialize this decade. For that reason, it can pay to go all out. From purchasing a couple of lovely sunhats to investing in a nice pair of shades, from making sure you have some lovely sandals to a gorgeous set of skirts, preparing for events or places you hope to travel can be a great place to start.

Not only does this help you prepare for those enjoyable eventualities, but it can help you make the most of them. After all, who doesn’t want to look their best when out in public, and especially if they haven’t had the chance to meet in public for over a year? We need not say more about this, as sometimes, getting back to normal is its own process worth celebrating. For that, a makeover can be key.

With this advice, we hope you can understand how a makeover could be a wonderful idea for summer, and from there, how you may go about it.

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