Contributed by Lily Kaligian
It’s great if you’ve got the choice between solo, friend or family travel. But deciding on the type of trip that will work best for you can be tricky. Much will depend on how well you get on with friends and family and how much you enjoy your own company. You’ll also have to consider what you hope to get out of the trip. If you’re still undecided, take a look at our list of pros and cons for each type of travel:
Solo Travel
The Cons
Sometimes traveling solo can feel a little lonely. You’re watching an amazing sunset or spot a kid doing something funny on the street and you don’t have anyone to share it with. Depending on where you travel you may feel a little unsafe walking around by yourself, particularly after dark. Travelling alone can also work out to be a more expensive option if you’re staying anywhere other than hostel dorm rooms.
The Pros
When you travel alone, you’re in charge. You can decide where you go and how long you spend there. You don’t need to compromise with a big group of people. What’s more, on a solo trip you’re much more likely to put yourself out there and meet new friends, perhaps making friends for life in the process. And you’ll return home feeling really proud of yourself for the challenges you faced and overcame by yourself.
Travel with Family
The Cons
Family dynamics remain the same no matter where in the world you venture. And if you travel to a location where everyone is likely to experience culture shock and a little stress, any differences could become even more pronounced. If your sibling is the bossy, domineering one who never listens to your ideas, ask yourself how that will work when you’re deciding what to do on your travel adventure.
The Pros
Travelling with your family, whatever stage of life you’re at, you get to spend some quality time with those you love. Older children can rely on parents to do the lion’s share of planning and organization (and perhaps, paying) whilst parents get an opportunity to see their whole brood together. You’ll make lots of new and happy memories together as you explore a new destination. And you know each other inside out, so there’ll be no surprises when Family Member 1 won’t get out of bed before midday and Family Member 2 is happier than most to splash the cash.
Travel with Friends
The Cons
Whenever you travel within a group you’ll end up doing things that wouldn’t be your first choice. The majority of your group want to eat at a touristy pizza joint rather than a traditional local eatery? You either split up to eat or go with the flow. There will be disagreements about what you choose to do as a group, especially if you’re working to different budgets.
The Pros
Travelling with friends can really cement your relationships. Planning a trip together, experiencing new things and looking out for each other whilst you’re away makes you really value one another. You always have someone to share the good times with and two (three or four) heads are much better when plans go awry and you need to come up with an alternative.
However you choose to travel – solo, with friends or with family – there will be pros and cons to enjoy and overcome. The key to making the most out of any trip is to go into it whole-heartedly, without any reservations and determined to have an amazing time.
About the Author
Lily Kaligian is an editor at She creates a variety of articles about careers, entrepreneurship, technology, business, education, as well as travel and personal development.