When you go on vacation, the goal is to not have a care in the world while you enjoy time spent with family and friends. Unfortunately, your plans may go out the window the minute you break your phone. Suddenly, you are faced with a multitude of decisions, all of which are causing you far more stress than you wanted on your getaway. If your phone does break while you’re on vacation, it’s important that you not go into a frenzy and panic. Instead, here are some steps you should take immediately.
Assess the Damage
Should you drop your phone, you may automatically assume it is broken. However, that may not be the case. Many times, the damage is only cosmetic. Thus, even if your phone has a nasty crack but still seems to work well, you can generally go on with your vacation and wait until you return home to give your phone some TLC.
Try to Get it Fixed
If your phone has a nasty crack and is also working in a limited capacity or not at all, you definitely want to try to get it fixed. You may be able to get the help you need from a local store like iGenius Repair. Since you may not know the area all that well, don’t hesitate to ask your hotel’s desk clerk or other people you’ve struck up friendships with along the way for directions to a nearby repair shop. This is the best way to get a quick repair so that you can easily use GPS, take photos, and contact loved ones again.
Make Sure a Replacement is Compatible
If your phone is beyond help and you want to purchase a new one, don’t just grab the first one you see. Always make sure the new smartphone you buy is compatible with your existing carrier. Remember, GSM and CDMA phones are different. Should you get in a hurry and not let yourself use good judgment, you could make the wrong purchase.
Use a Prepaid Phone
If you don’t want to let a broken smartphone ruin what has otherwise been a fun and fantastic vacation, go the easy route and just buy a cheap, prepaid phone that will help you get by for a few days until you get back home. If you do this, make sure you give the folks back home a quick call to let them know what happened and to give them your new temporary number.
By following the advice that best fits your situation, you can avoid a phone frenzy while on vacation and still be able to talk, take photos, and do other fun things with your phone.