What to Do if You’re Stuck in an Elevator

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Getting stuck in an elevator or other enclosed space is many people’s worst nightmare. While the odds of getting trapped in an elevator are quite low, such an incident can occur. If you find yourself stuck in an elevator, it’s helpful to know how to stay safe and get help on the way as soon as possible. By staying calm and following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to get out of the situation unscathed as quickly as possible. 

Stay Calm & Assess the Situation

Although feeling a bit panicked after becoming trapped in a small space is natural, the worst thing you can do is panic. If you begin to panic, it becomes impossible to rationally assess the situation, check your surroundings for safety, and take action to get help on the way. Try to stay calm and composed, beginning by taking deep breaths to slow your heart rate and reduce anxiety. 

Once you are composed and in control of the situation, assess your surroundings. Be alert for any visible signs of trouble, such as damage to the elevator or malfunctioning indicator lights. In some cases, the situation may be caused by improper elevator maintenance, unsafe operating conditions, or another dangerous form of negligence. A personal injury law firm in Portland may have the resources to help you secure justice for the injuries and inconvenience you suffered. 

If you’re not alone in the elevator, communicate calmly with the other passengers. Try to keep the other people in the elevator calm by sharing updates on the situation and reassuring one another. 

Use the Emergency Communication System

Having gotten your bearings and spoken with anyone trapped with you, it’s time to call the cavalry in to save the day. Most elevators have an emergency phone or call button for situations just like this one. Find the button and press it firmly. It will usually be located near the control panel. You will be connected to an emergency service operator, who can dispatch a technician or emergency services to your location. Provide the operator with the location of the elevator (building name and floor it stalled on) and the number of people trapped inside. Listen to the operator’s instructions and answer any questions they ask you. 

Don’t Take Risks in an Attempt to Escape

You should not try to force an elevator’s doors open. Elevators have safety mechanisms that prevent the doors from opening when the elevator car is not properly aligned with the floor. If you try to open them anyway, you can be seriously injured. Unless as a last resort, you should not climb out of the elevator shaft. The shaft will be pitch dark, there may be electrical hazards, and the height of your position to the bottom of the lift can be deceptive. If it’s possible to do so safely, stay inside the elevator and wait for assistance. 

Stay Comfortable While Waiting

While waiting for help, you should make comfort and safety your priority. Try to find a comfortable position to lean or sit against a wall. If you are got, remove bulky or warm clothing and fan yourself with whatever is available. In cold weather, conserve body heat by huddling with others or using jackets and blankets to stay warm. Especially if rescue isn’t imminent, you need to stay hydrated by drinking water. Try not to move around too much to conserve energy. To distract yourself, try deep breathing, mental exercises, or singing. 

What to Expect When Rescued

It may take some time for an elevator technician or first responders to get to your location. Be patient and remain calm. When help does arrive at the scene, follow the directions of the rescue team closely. They will ensure that you get out of the elevator unscathed, as long as you follow their instructions. Once you’re out, take a moment to compose yourself and check for any injuries. You may consider reporting the incident to relevant authorities or the building’s manager. 

Staying Safe During an Elevator Mishap

Although being trapped in an elevator can be quite frightening, it is unlikely that you will ever be in any real danger. Do your best to stay calm, reassure other passengers in the elevator, and call for professional assistance as soon as possible. Be sure to cooperate with the emergency service operator, so they have all the information they need to identify where you are and how you can be rescued most effectively. We hope this article helps you stay safe should you ever find yourself unfortunate enough to be trapped in an elevator. 


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