Thinking of Spring: 4 Ways to Improve Your Home When the Weather Turns

When the weather starts turning nice, with rising temperatures and gorgeous greenery, it’s time to start thinking about how to improve your home. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to quickly and easily improve the appearance, value, and safety of your home. Here are four things you can do.

Start Your Garden

Whether it’s a colorful flower garden to enjoy looking at, or a robust vegetable garden to help round out your dinner table, this is the ideal time to get those seeds planted.

Spring rains will help water the seeds, and you’ll get to enjoy seeing the fruits of your labor as you sip coffee before work or read the paper on the weekends. Add a little birdbath or a fountain to encourage birds to visit and help your garden thrive.

Get Your Trees Checked and Trimmed

Hurricane season isn’t far off, and if there are dead or dying limbs on your trees, they could cause trouble soon. Don’t risk you or your homeowners insurance being on the hook for property damage or an injury due to a falling tree limb. Getting your trees trimmed by Pete & Ron’s Tree Service, Inc., or a similar provider also helps them grow taller and healthier. It’s also good to have them checked so that if any of them are sick or diseased, they can be treated and saved, if possible.

Freshen up the Paint

Spring is a great time to paint the house’s exterior. It doesn’t rain often, and the weather is still cool enough to be nice while also being warm enough to paint. Painting can also be a great whole-family activity. You can pick a vibrant color to really pop with spring freshness.

Upgrade or Get New Outdoor Furniture

Now that the weather is getting nice again, sitting outdoors to enjoy your morning coffee or evening meal can be a beautiful way to start or end the day.

Depending on the age of your current outdoor furniture, you could re-stuff and reupholster cushions and paint wicker or metal, or you could go out and buy new pieces if they’re too old to upgrade. Add a hammock for the ultimate in relaxation. A couple of rocking chairs on your front porch can provide a nice place to watch people go by.

Spring home improvements can make your home feel fresh and alive after the grayness of winter. It doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. A few small changes can make a world of difference.

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