The Trends that Will Influence Architecture in 2019

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it’s projected that the employment of architects will grow by 4 percent between 2016 and 2026. While the rise for demand in architects may be slower than average, it still rises and this industry is definitely in demand. What attracts people the most is the pay, the prestige that comes with the title of architect, and a chance to work in a position where one can express themselves creatively. With more and more people interested to join the industry and pursue this career path, it’s vital for one to keep up with all the shifts in the trend and see exactly where the industry is heading. Therefore, there are several trends that are expected to influence architecture in 2019.

1.  Small space utilization

The first thing that will affect architecture in 2019 is the rise in popularity of the so-called tiny house movement. You see, while the enormous living space contributes to the lifestyle, the cost of construction/purchase and the cost of utilities inside of a massive household are getting recognized as a massive problem. When all is put together, the cost of buying an average home over the course of 30 years comes down to over a million dollars. This is why about 68 percent of all tiny house owners have no mortgage, which is a statistic that’s encouraging more and more millennials to try and become homeowners themselves.

2.  Smart buildings

Another thing that’s worth mentioning is the importance of smart buildings, however, it’s where they fit in the architecture that’s the interesting part. The majority of homeowners simply modify their homes with smart technology but with such a great interest in this trend, more and more people are deciding to build their homes around these trends. This is why a great number of architects are looking for methods to implement smart technology from the very start or at least make constructions that will make this integration more efficient.

3.  Eco-friendly design

Both of the above-listed two trends can potentially save the planet, however, putting a special emphasis on environmentalism, regardless of the size of the place or the technology implemented is another trend worth discussing. For instance, the layout of the home may affect its heating/cooling efficiency, the material used are definitely making an impact on the home’s energy efficiency, while you may also decide to add your own source of power to the mix. With the emerging technology of solar tiles, this option is getting more popular by the minute.

4.  Adequate BIM software

Perhaps the single biggest change when it comes to the efficiency of a present-day architecture is the implementation of 3D BIM software. This can help improve the efficiency of the design in question, increase productivity and make the entire modeling process more reliable. Task specialization software can also be of huge assistance and BIM specialists from Cadgroup offer a plethora of specialized tools, that can help one get the most out of a project.

5.  The implementation of VR and AR

Greater insight into the end product is something that this industry lacks from its very start and now, with the help of VR and AR, it can finally be resolved. Look at it this way, sometimes a solution looks great on paper but it’s nearly impossible to see it through. Not only is the execution incredibly difficult but the end result may not be nearly as impressive as you have expected. With the help of VR technology, an architect gets the privilege of seeing what the project will look like when finished. An AR-based tool can help you see any change before you make it, which is a powerful aid in the editing process.

6.  Inclusive design architecture

Namely, there are some people who are unable to partake in everyday activities, which were erect by the fact that traditional architecture sometimes completely forgets that they even exist. Increased awareness leads to inclusive design architecture, which is the next major trend worth considering. An inclusive approach to architecture is there to consider the way in which some of these people are interacting with the environment and coming up with various solutions to make this a lot easier, thus making the process more seamless. In other words, inclusive design is the design of the environment that can be used by as many people as possible.

7.  Designing with a 3D printer in mind

These powerful devices are changing everything and this is something that architects need to have in mind. According to Pick 3D Printer, these are the best high-resolution 3D printers that architects could use. Nowadays there are tools that are capable of creating entire homes (micro-homes) in less than 24 hours (and $4,000) but this is not the end of the possibilities of these 3D printers. What they can also do is be used on-spot to print some of the most complex construction elements, thus facilitating the process, making it more frugal and even opening up some new options. Needless to say, a trend such as this is something that present-day architecture needs to recognize as soon as possible if it is to keep up.

In conclusion

The very last thing worth mentioning is the fact that this field is currently facing massive innovation, which is a shift that may make it much more appealing to Generation Z. This will bring to some trend changes of its own. For the time being, just getting accustomed to these seven trends should be challenging and exciting enough.

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