Major events occur throughout your children’s lives to you as well as them. The truth is that putting your best foot forward as a parent might not seem like enough in specific circumstances. Reacting to major events properly is what your children will remember. The negative reactions can stick with a teen for years which can lead to resentment well into their adult life. Taking teens seriously on topics they care about is so important. Generations of the past had so many dismissive parents that disliking your parents was commonplace. Below are some possible major events that you’ll need to react to in a rational way as a parent.
You Sustained A Serious Injury
Serious injuries can occur on the job or through car accidents. There are plenty of other ways major injuries happen but falls, along with automobile accidents, top the list in terms of frequency. You need to seek legal representation immediately to start documenting your journey with the injury you sustained. You should not brunt the financial impact of an injury that was caused by the negligence of another party. A personal injury attorney can help you receive compensation that can include lost wages, pain and suffering, and future impacts.
Serious injuries are going to impact everyone in a family as roles will likely change. Rehabilitation should be the main priority for a parent to get as close as possible to their capabilities before the injury. Seeking mental health treatment after a serious injury can help a person cope in healthy ways. Substance abuse can become a problem for those that are bored, which will be discussed in the section below. Support groups for those with permanent injuries can help you find those that are in similar situations as yourself. Not feeling alone after an injury can assist the healing process both mentally and physically.
Recovery can come in the financial form as well as a settlement can alleviate a number of concerns. Financial stress after an injury is common as a person likely will not be able to work for an extended period. SteinLaw, Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyers note this about compensation, “An experienced personal injury lawyer can maximize the value of your personal injury claim by presenting every relevant medical and legal fact that strengthens your position. A good personal injury lawyer will track down every one of these legal and medical facts and present them in a way that will maximize the value of your claim.”
Family Issues With Substance Abuse
Substance abuse issues can tear apart families as everyone is impacted. Coping with alcohol is far too common in most cultures. Unwinding after a long day with a drink has been romanticized for centuries. Issues can arise quite quickly as the pandemic sheds light on substance abuse statistics skyrocketing. Getting help if you struggle with substance abuse is essential as soon as possible. Addiction tends to worsen and sends an individual spiraling out of control.
Dealing with a teenager that is struggling with addiction needs to be done with support and professional help. 12-step meetings can be awkward for a younger person, so attending with them is an option. Take the time to send your teen to a therapist as well as there could be issues triggering the abuse. You want to tackle this quickly, as arrests can follow a young person around for a lifetime in terms of gaining employment.
A Death Of A Close Family Member
The death of a spouse or the other parent of your children can seem impossible to overcome. Family therapy, along with individual therapy, is recommended as everyone deals with grief in different ways. A death that seems to be forgotten by a parent moving on too quickly romantically can be catastrophic. Oftentimes, parents try to replace their spouse quickly for the children and end up doing more harm than good. Those that push children to accept a new stepparent can cause resentment immediately. Stepparents that push too hard with support from a parent can lead to children being alienated from their surviving parent as adults.
Remember to take major events seriously in the way you respond as your children and teens are watching closely. You are their example when they have not faced something in the past. Most children/teens adopt the behaviors of parents in stressful situations, as modeling is quite frequent in nature as a whole. Have a plan if the unthinkable happens, as this can be important when you are overwhelmed with stress after a major negative event.