JLab JBuds Air True Wireless – Quality and Affordability

JBuds Air True Wireless Earbuds by JLab offer something many audiophiles have been waiting for – quality and affordability. While most truly wireless earbuds – GOOD wireless earbuds, anyway – range from $100 all the way to almost $300, JBuds Air True Wireless Earbuds combine quality and affordability, with a line of truly wireless earbuds that range from $49.99 to $69.99. This combination of quality and value makes them an excellent choice for the budget-minded sound enthusiast. 

Woman in workout clothes looking at her phone.

JBuds Air True Wireless Earbuds Family

The JBuds Aire True Wireless Earbuds line from JLabs Audio is the most popular budget-friendly earbud line on the market today. In fact, it’s the #1 truely wireless earbud under $100. The JBuds Air line of wireless earbuds offers three models to choose from – the JBuds Air, JBuds Air Sport, JBuds Air Icon, and JBuds Air Executive. Each of these models is designed to fit their user’s lifestyle perfectly, offering great sound, price, and staying power; a combination any audio enthusiast will love. 

These earbuds are designed with life in mind. Their 6-hour battery life combined with a sweat-resistant design, crisp stereo audio, easy to use Bluetooth and dual connect technology (Air Icon only) come together to make these earbuds both affordable and perfect for everyday use no matter what your lifestyle. 

JBuds Air

JBuds Air True Wireless Earbuds

The JBuds Air is the most budget-friendly option in the JBuds Air line of earbuds. Don’t let its $49.99 price tag fool you, this isn’t some pair of chintzy earbuds you’ll be throwing away in a month. These are quality earbuds with everything we expect from a truly wireless earbud experience. They feature a snug design, built-in microphone, a case that doubles as a charging station, and 6-hour battery life. 

JBuds Air Sport

JBuds Air Sport

The Air Sport model takes everything that’s great about the JBuds Air and makes it the perfect companion for any athlete. Whether training for a marathon, doing sprints, lifting weights, or just taking a brisk walk, the JBuds Air Sport will stay in place, no matter what. It’s the same model as the air but with a design guaranteed to keep the earbuds in place no matter how rigorous the exercise. The $69.99 price tag makes it an attractive, ultra-affordable option for the sporty user. 

JBuds Air Icon

JBuds Air Icon

With improved controls and a swankier design, this model takes the standard JBuds Air and adds a little swagger. It also offers a nice Dual Connect function, allowing for using one or both earbuds. At just $10 more than their lowest-priced model, it’s worth the extra scratch. 

JBuds Air Executive

JBuds Air Executive

At $69.99, the JBuds Air Executive, the priciest model in the JBuds Air True Wireless Earbuds family is still a super affordable option in the wireless earbud market. This model features everything that the other offerings in the line have to offer, as well as an ultra-durable case which doubles as a charging dock, and several earbud tips of various sizes. 

JBuds Air True Wireless Earbuds – Great Value at Best Buy

JBuds Air True Wireless Earbuds offer quality and affordability, a combination that’s very appealing to budget-minded audiophiles. These headphones offer crisp audio; comfortable, secure design; and a blessed lack of sticker shock at checkout. Check out the full line of JBuds Air True Wireless Earbuds at Best Buy right now. With four different models to choose from, you’ll find one that fits your life or the life of a special someone this holiday season. 



Comments 13
  1. I could use these when I jog! My kids would want them too. They are all about wireless. Right now they only have corded earbuds.

  2. These earbuds are so amazing, they really come with awesome features. I love that they’re at such a affordable price.

  3. I’ve been wanting to try headphones that go around the outside of the ear like these do. I think they would stay in better.

  4. These are all such great buds. I know I am always in need of them for working out. I’ll have to check these out. Thank you!

  5. My son would love these. He likes to walk around and do things – but corded earbuds are typically too short of a cord for him to have in his pocket and his hands free

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