Is Bitcoin Lifestyle Trustworthy?

Cryptocurrency trading can be a profitable yet risky affair, especially for amateur traders. The rise of cryptocurrency scams makes many traders skeptical about investing their hard-earned money in digital currencies. One way to avoid potential scams when trading crypto is to choose a reliable and trusted trading platform. Bitcoin Lifestyle is one platform that promises to improve investor outcomes through automated trading. Below, we discuss Bitcoin Lifestyle’s top features, working mechanism, and whether it’s a safe trading platform for cryptocurrency traders.

Bitcoin Lifestyle review

Bitcoin Lifestyle offers a unique way of trading cryptos while promising good returns on investment. The site relies on sophisticated trading software and bot technology to deliver profitable outcomes for traders. The site is relatively easy to use compared to other trading platforms and requires no prior trading skills from investors.

The site has many subscribers worldwide. You need to place the minimum deposit requirement, and the bots will handle the trading and market analysis. The automated bots rake in profits by speculating price movements of bitcoins and altcoins. Bitcoin Lifestyle claims to offer a 90% win rate thanks to the bot’s ability to analyze vast amounts of information and fast trade execution.

Account opening and deposit requirements

Signing up and opening an account with a Bitcoin app is free and takes less than 15 minutes to complete. However, some sites require users to deposit at least $250 in their funding account to qualify for trading. Like other crypto trading platforms, some Bitcoin apps offer a demo account where traders can test the bot’s trading capabilities using different trading strategies.

Unused deposits remain in the trading account, and users can withdraw the amounts at any time upon request. The site offers several options for loading funds into trading accounts, with bank transfer, credit card, and wire transfer as the most popular options. After authorizing the money transfer, it takes a few minutes for funds to reflect in the user’s wallet.

Bitcoin Lifestyle live trading mechanism explained

After funding your account, the deposit goes into a holding account of an underlying broker. Bitcoin Lifestyle only works with registered financial dealers when handling client deposits. The underlying broker is in charge of receiving the funds, placing trades, and executing transactions. Working with regulated brokers ensures the safety of client deposits in the event of bankruptcy.

Fees, trading support, and other features

Bitcoin Lifestyle does not charge fees for using the site’s trading bots. Instead, the platform earns revenue through a commission arrangement on profits earned trading on the site. This means that Bitcoin Lifestyle makes money from profitable trades rather than trading against the investor. Such an arrangement seeks to protect investor interest when trading cryptocurrencies.

Bot performance

Bitcoin Lifestyle’s fully automated trading setup executes high-frequency trades to capitalize on minimal price movements. The bot analyses chart trends and places trades within a fraction of a second. The robot’s execution speed and high accuracy levels are responsible for superior winning rates exceeding 88%, much higher than trading without bot assistance.

An investor’s profitability will depend on several factors, including invested capital, risk management techniques, and the length of trading sessions. Market volatility also significantly influences profitability levels for traders on the site.

User dashboard

The site offers an intuitive dashboard where investors can manage and track their live trading sessions. While on the dashboard, users can tweak their risk management settings to match their risk appetite. The site offers leverage options of up to 1:1000. However, new users should be careful about approaching leverage to limit their downside risk. The site’s demo account system gives new users a sneak peek into the platform’s functional capabilities.

Customer support

The site has a dedicated customer support service where traders can raise any concerns or queries while on site. Bitcoin Lifestyle’s instant chat feature enables investors to reach customer support 24/7 to resolve urgent issues.


The trading bots use natural processing language and sophisticated technologies to analyze charts and gain insights into news and market sentiments. The algorithms built into the trading software mirror the trading strategies of the best traders on the market. Thanks to its robust data encryption capabilities, most users consider Bitcoin Lifestyle a safe way to trade cryptos. 

Comments 2
  1. First of all, when you use arbitrage as a strategy, you are giving up on the chance to make easy profits. Arbitrage involves a rather tiresome and time-consuming process of assessing Market conditions constantly. You need to have in-depth knowledge of technical analysis and know-how to constantly find positive price imbalances. You cannot expect to make huge profits as you would from some other crypto trading strategies.
    Arbitrage is the act of buying a security in one market and selling it almost immediately in another market at a higher price. The practice covers securities in various asset classes, and one of the most popular is foreign exchange (forex) arbitrage, whose practitioners are known as forex arbitrageurs. Arbitrage is typically carried out by professional traders who then feed their results into algorithmic trading machines, but individuals also do it.
    Arbitrageurs aim to locate circumstances where a security trades for a lower price in one market than an identical or similar security does in another market. They then buy the security in the first market and sell it immediately at the higher price. Arbitrageurs typically deal with securities or other financial instruments that trade on multiple markets, concentrate on differences in price in the two most liquid markets for each security, buy the security in the market where it is cheapest and simultaneously sell it in the market where it fetches the highest price. The bots made by 3commas are ideal for that. Here is the official website

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