Home Cleaning Tips Before Winter Arrives

We are all aware that the harsh winter is just around the corner, with the chilly October mornings preparing us for the freezing conditions that will soon be upon us, and this is the ideal time to give the home a thorough clean. The winter is best suffered with doors and windows tightly closed, and before we get to that point, here are a few tips on cleaning the home before the cold season arrives.

  • Deep Cleaning Carpets – Carpets really do harbour dirt and grime, and over the course of a year, they can become very grubby indeed. Prior to winter, it is a good idea to call your local carpet cleaner to pop round and deep clean all of your carpets while it is still warm outside. This will leave your carpets smelling fresh and looking like new, and if you make it an annual thing, you will prolong the life of your floor covering.
  • Invest In A Hard Floor Cleaning Machine – A top-of-the-range cleaner like Powerglide hardwood floor cleaner machine from Aircraft Vacuums would prove invaluable to any homeowner, and whether hardwood, laminate or vinyl floors, this excellent machine can clean and polish effortlessly. What’s more, it is powered by a rechargeable lithium battery that can easily be removed and plugged into a socket, and you can use any type of floor cleaning solution. If you have solid timber flooring, a hard floor cleaner will really bring up a shine, and if used on a weekly basis, your wooden floors will always look in great shape.


  • Don’t Forget The Hall – This is the one area where guests will arrive, and they will wish to leave their hats, coats and scarves on hooks prior to entering the home. The hall floor will obviously be dirtier than any other room in the house, and giving it a good clean before winter arrives is the ideal time.
  • Cleaning The Windows – Cleaning the interior and exterior surfaces is always a good idea just before winter sets in, and for the interior, you can use old newspaper and glass cleaner, which will bring the panes up to a shiny finish. There are a few more winter cleaning tips for the home which you can read from articles you can find online. They might help you prepare well for the coming cold season.
  • Wash Or Dry Clean The Curtains – If you have curtains, you would be surprised at how much dust and dirt they collect, and as it is a gradual process, you don’t really notice it. If the curtains are washable, all’s well and good, but if not, it won’t cost much to have them professionally dry cleaned.

The above are just a few ideas on how to brighten up your home before the freezing weather arrives, and if you set aside a single weekend, all of the above chores can be completed in time to see the first frosts arrive. Once the home is clean, you can look forward to a cosy winter inside your neat and tidy domain.

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