From Sea to Shining Sea: 5 Planning Tips for Your Next Cross Country Road Trip

A cross country road trip is a stunning way to see many states and explore sites that you might not have otherwise encountered. Of course, this type of adventure requires some planning. Taking the time to plan out certain details can make for a more enjoyable trip when you embark.

Account for Extra Time

Once you decide where you want to go, you can determine how long it will take to get there. You might feel inclined to take off from work the exact number of days that you plan to be on the road trip. Keep in mind, however, that you want to actually enjoy the trip. Adding an extra day on to the beginning and end of your vacation, and perhaps even a bit more time, can allow you to make the most of the vacation.

Book Your Vehicle

Unless you are planning to take your personal vehicle across the country, you should make travel accommodations early. For example, you may want to embark on a motorcycle road trip, or maybe you are planning to rent a recreational vehicle to transport the entire family across the country. It’s also possible that you want to rent a car. If you are planning to drive your own vehicle, have it inspected before the trip.

Plan Your Stops

When you’re dreaming of a road trip, you might envision yourself stopping wherever intuition takes you. While selecting a couple of days of the trip for this type of spontaneity is a useful decision, having no planned stops or activities can mean that you miss a great deal of beauty and wonder. Prioritize the places that you most want to visit. Driving tired can be fatal. This is specially true if you are in a bike. Motorcycle accident attorneys can help if you get in an accident, but prevention is key. Booking an extra night if tired is cheaper than hospital bills and less tragic than not making it home to your babies. 

Stock Up

You don’t want to be running around the morning of the trip trying to figure out what snacks and beverages to bring for the ride. Take care of this preparation in advance. Also, in the event that you are traveling with kids, you should bring a bag of games, puzzles and books that are good to play in the car.

Balance Pictures and Experiences

Having photos to remember the day is certainly important and can bring back happy memories in the future. However, you also want to enjoy the experiences that you have. Put the phone down for awhile. Pick it up when you have a really powerful snapshot to take.

A cross-country adventure is sure to provide you with an amazing experience. Following these suggestions can make the trip even better.

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