Find the Right AA Meetings With These 4 Steps

If you are looking for a way to recover from alcoholism, then Alcoholics Anonymous meetings might be the perfect solution. If you have never been to an AA meeting before, it can seem daunting and confusing to find one that is right for you. The good news is that there are four simple steps to finding the right AA meeting! Read on for more information about how these steps will help guide your search in order to find the best meetings near you!

1. Decide what type of meeting you want

There are many different types of AA meetings, so it’s important to identify which one is going to work best for you. This can range from general AA meetings to specialized meetings for women, LGBTQAA+ members, or people with other needs. Other meetings include open meetings, closed meetings, speaker meetings, and coffee/dessert events. I recommend  going to a few different types of meetings so that you can get an idea for which one will work best.

2. Figure out when you want to attend 

AA meetings can happen anywhere from once a day to once a week so it is important to identify what your schedule will allow and how often the meeting should be held. For example, if you are feeling overwhelmed and want to go every day, that’s great! But if you are someone who likes consistency and going once a week is best for your needs, then find an AA meeting with those parameters.

3. Find where the meeting will be held

It may not seem like it but there might not be any AA centers in your town. This is why it is important to look online for meetings in your area before giving up hope!

Depending on your area , you might be able to search for meetings near your address. If the meeting is open, then it will just show up in the listing. If not, check out nearby towns and citiesFor example, if you live in Texas, you can find listings for Houston Alcoholics Anonymous meetings here

4. Attend the meeting

Once you find a meeting that meets all the criteria, it is time to go and attend! As someone who has gone through the process myself, I recommend going with an open mind to AA meetings if possible because it might be difficult at first to discuss such personal issues in a closed setting. Of course, this is something that varies from person to person but I couldn’t be happier with the meetings that I have been to. 

Bring a positive outlook and enjoy yourself as you get back on track with your recovery. 

Final Notes

If you’re looking for the right AA meetings, it can be hard to navigate all of your options. The first step is deciding what type of meeting best suits your needs and then figuring out when that meeting should occur. Next, find where this meeting would take place and finally attend.We hope these four steps will help guide you in finding a great AA meeting near you.

If you are interested in finding out more about Alcoholics Anonymous or need someone to talk to, please contact for more information on how our team of experts can help you stay committed to your sobriety!


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