Feel Younger and Make Your Hair Brighter by Blending Greys with Highlights

Many women choose to let their hair grey naturally as they hit their late 20’s and 30’s. According to Glamour Magazine  most women start going grey in their 30’s if they have red hair, brown hair, or blonde hair. But many people see the greys popping up in their early 20’s, others that are more fortunate are in their 40’s when they see those first signs of greys.

A study referenced by the Daily Mail Online said that one in three women feel instantly old, after spotting their first grey hair. One in nine women reported welcoming their first greys and having no desire to dye their hair; 88% reported dying their hair after seeing their first grey strands.

Surprisingly, the same article states that most women stop dying their hair and accept their natural color around 68 years of age. No matter what color our hair is, most women feel better, sexier, and younger when they dye their hair to cover their grey.

Is it Time to Consider Dimensional Hair Color?

Many women get tired of dying their hair before their hair is grey. Some of them decide to go cold turkey and quit dying their hair altogether. This leaves a line showing where the dying stopped by the start/stop line. This is most apparent in those that have a lot of greys and opted to use a darker color dye.

Many people choose to dye their hair a lighter shade so that the growth in greys will be less noticeable. One option for women that don’t want to put the dye on all of their hair is now considering dimensional hair color.

What is Dimensional Hair Color?

Dimensional hair color is not a new phenomenon as it has been gaining popularity for years. Dimensional hair color is when you start blending grey hair with highlights. It uses the natural color of your grey with highlights and lowlights to create multiple different tones to the hair. It blends your greys in with other colors; this doesn’t completely cover the grey, but transitions the color into the existing color.

This means those choosing this coloring method won’t have a stop line that shows when you stopped dying your hair, and the natural color is growing out. Instead, it is a great way to blend the grey with your existing hair color, and the result can be gorgeous.

The Benefits of Hair Blending:

There are many benefits of blending grey hair with highlights or lowlights. Here are just some of the reasons why many women find this to be a great alternative to overall hair dye:

  • There is less maintenance than a solid colored dye.
  • It looks more natural as a few greys show up in the high- or lowlights.
  • You don’t have to have your hair colored every 4-5 weeks as it looks more natural growing out.
  • It helps mask greys, and they blend in while the hair is growing out.
  • Using both highlights and lowlights can camouflage unwanted greys and give a more natural hair color.
  • Those with just a few greys can often add some highlights to the new hair growth, taking the color from the roots to the end.
  • Adding in cool-toned highlights is a multi-step process, and you may want to use several colors to achieve the perfect look.

If you are looking for a way to make your hair look as young as you feel, you may want to consider dimensional hair color.

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