Construction Around Your Neighborhood? What to Tell Your Children About Safety

When you live in a neighborhood with other families, there is bound to be activity taking place at all times. In some situations, this can include a heavy construction project. While most people will try to limit their construction activity space to what is on their lot, it can end up spilling off the lot a bit. If there is construction going on in your neighborhood, it is important to educate your kids about safety. There are things that you should tell your kids in particular about safety in the area. 

Stay Away

The most important thing that you need to tell your kids about construction zone safety is to stay away from it. Many kids will end up being intrigued by all of the activity and will want to go and watch the work or see the tools. However, you need to advise them that they need to stay away from the construction zone when they are not with an adult. 

Educate Them

 One of the reasons why accidents happen is because kids are intrigued by the activity and want to see more. You can help to control this if you are able to educate them on everything that is going on. If you are able to spend the time explaining to them what the various tools are, what the workers are doing, and what the project scope is, they may be less inclined to check it out for themselves. 

Avoid Porta-Potties

 One of the things that a lot of kids will notice in the neighborhood are the portable outside bathrooms. While these are very helpful to the workers that are on site, you should make sure your kids know not to go near them. These can create a safety and health hazard for a child that is not aware of what is going on. 

Stay Alert 

Finally, you need to tell your kids to stay alert when they are in the area. Any construction project can create unique situations that can lead to distracted drivers. Because of this, your kids need to make sure that they are being extra careful and are paying attention to all of their surroundings. 

When there is any type of construction work going on in your neighborhood, you need to continue to make sure that the crew is being as safe as possible. If you notice that they are not being safe or are being negligent, you should tell the property owner as soon as possible.

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