Clogged Drains – A Nightmare You Must Prevent on Time

Plumbing in your home is often invisible until leaks start showing up or unpleasant smell. However, this system is one of the most important parts of your household which requires proper care and regular maintenance. Although it’s best to call an expert when a problem occurs, there are some things you can to keep it in good shape. 

Look at it as a nightmare you must prevent on time to both reduce expenses and leave comfortably. So, if you are wondering what you can do to avoid clogged drains, here are some tips anyone can live by. 

Take good care of kitchen sink

Kitchen sinks easily get clogged since they deal with food leftovers with grease being the most problematic one. Over time, grease tends to build up in the drain and create a barrier that won’t let the water run down. Additionally, it will lead to bad odor and in severe instances leaks beneath the sink which can really cause a lot of inconveniences.

To prevent this, run hot water down the drain after you finish washing the dishes or at the end of the day. Baking soda and vinegar at least once a week will eliminate soap and grease build-up and won’t damage the pipes. Best of all, this is an eco-friendly solution so you will keep the drainage clean and without harmful chemicals.  

The sink is not a trash can

Another important fact is that the sink is not a trash can so don’t treat it as one. Even if you have a garbage disposal installed, it still needs regular maintenance to be clean and without blockage. You shouldn’t throw things in the toilet, too since it will lead to clogs and waste spill-outs in the end. 

So, keep a trash can close to your kitchen sink and in the bathroom to not be tempted to dispose of the rubbish the wrong way. Even the coffee grounds can create problems since they stuck to the oils and grease already down your pipes. 

Buy a plunger

There is one tool every household should have and that’s a plunger. It is not a cure for all drainage problems, but can save you the trouble with minor clogs or until a plumber arrives. A plunger is effective for sinks, bathtubs, shower stalls, and toilets although you shouldn’t use one for all these fixtures. It’s best to have one for the kitchen, one for the bathroom drains and separate one for the toilet. 

Also, use the plunger when you accidentally drop something down the drain to immediately stop the clogging. However, clean the plungers after every use with baking soda and lemon to eliminate grease and unpleasant smells that could spread around the house. Additionally, while the sink plunger is the most commonly used one, there are other types like accordion better suited for the toilet. So have in mind which type of plunger you need when shopping so you could effectively prevent catastrophe with clogged drains.  

Use drain hair catcher

It may come as a surprise, but one of the main causes of clogged drains is hair. Although you can stop shedding your hair, there are some things you can do to keep your drains working. First of all clean the drains every day after you take a bath or shower. Some hairs may still escape down the drain, but a lot less than it would be the case if you leave it be.

Another useful practice is to use a drain hair catcher. It comes in all sizes so you can easily find the one that fits your drain. This useful invention will save you from calling emergency plumbing services too often, and the best thing is you can also use it for the sink. They are perfect for the kitchens to prevent food and other rubbish to go down the drain and avoid annoying clogs.    

Don’t pour chemicals in your drains

Although there are chemicals useful for unclogging, there are also those that can damage your pipes and lead to leaks. Since you are using toxic chemicals, these leaks are not harmless and can cause chemical poisoning and pollute your home. To avoid this, always appropriately dispose of chemicals and far away from the potential to harm people or property. 

If you want to clean the drains, use organic and homemade products that are eco-friendly and not dangerous. You probably already have the ingredients in your kitchen like lemons, baking soda, salt, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide. However, these products are a bit aggressive for the skin so always use the gloves before start cleaning.  


Regularly clean your drains

With regular maintenance of your drains, you won’t have to deal with leaks, bad odor, and repair expenses often at all. Just like vacuuming and tidying up, cleaning your drains should be part of your usual house chores. Of course, being careful what ends up in your drains is also a valuable step to prevent clogging so make sure you use trash and hair catchers. 

At least once a week pour hot water in your drains and use eco-friendly de-clogging solutions to keep the way unobstructed. And of course, find a reliable plumber and don’t try to resolve the issue by yourself since that may only worsen the problem. 


Clogged drains are not something to be taken lightly and every homeowner should know how to take care of the plumbing system responsibly. If you do it correctly, you can prevent serious damage and uncomfortable situations caused by the leaks or spill-outs. 

Contributed by Ron Wolf


Comments 3
  1. Clogged drains can indeed be a nightmare! This blog offers valuable prevention tips to keep them at bay. I appreciate the author’s effort in sharing these insights to help us avoid plumbing woes. Thanks for the helpful advice!

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