5 Signs That Your Furnace Isn’t Going to Last the Winter

The cold will soon be here, which means it’s time to run through your home’s winter preparedness checklist. In some areas, having heat is a bonus that makes winter living more comfortable; in others, it’s a survival essential. To ensure your home is always secure and comfortable during the winter season, here are five signs that you may need to replace your furnace. If you find that your furnace has any of the issues listed below, it’s important to find a reputable repair and maintenance company. www.summersphc.com/anderson/services/heating/furnace-installation/ is an example of the kind of company that can make a big difference if your furnace is on the way out.

Cold Spots

A furnace that needs to be replaced will produce cold spots, draftiness, and frigid temperatures indoors no matter how much you tinker with its settings. Poor home installation and old furnaces struggle to properly maintain an even temperature throughout the home. This can lead to severe draftiness and freezing rooms that leave you bundled and holed up in certain spaces while the heating bill still rises.

Loud Noises

Most furnaces will make some small noises as they run, but there are some noises that are not normal. Clunking, whistling, hissing and other irregular sounds coming from your furnace indicate a mechanical problem. In some cases, this can be done via a repair, but if this is an everyday occurrence, it’s likely time to consider upgrading.

A Burning Smell

Does it smell like smoke or even fire when you run the heat? If so, this is a big red flag that your furnace isn’t in working order. Although a burning smell is normal when you first turn on the heat after months of inactivity, this should quickly dissolve after a few minutes. If your furnace is always producing this odor, it’s likely working too hard and will more likely break down or even cause a fire. This is a serious safety hazard and should be looked at by a professional.

Short Cycling

On again, off again. Nothing is worse than having to constantly get up and adjust the thermostat just to get your heater to work. Although your furnace may be shutting off by itself, you are likely still paying for the energy it’s consuming. Malfunctioning furnaces, especially those that cannot maintain a stable output for a prolonged period of time, are as costly as they are ineffective.

Increased Need for Service Calls

How many times have you had to have your furnace serviced in the last two years? If you say more than twice, then that’s a strong indicator you may only be delaying the inevitable with a faulty system. Frequent repairs can quickly pile up, and you may wind up paying far more just to keep an outdated or broken furnace running than you would by purchasing a new one.

If your furnace is having any of these troubles or is getting on in age, it’s likely time to look at furnace installation. As cold weather sets in, not having enough heat in your home can be dangerous. Because of this, you don’t want to wait until your furnace has completely broken down before you get it replaced. It could take days to get it replaced at that point, which is days of you and your family sitting at home, freezing.

It’s best to act early as getting a repair during the busiest time of year can cause delays and unnecessary time spent in the cold. By replacing your furnace early, you can also save money on higher utility bills from an overworked system.

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