Winter Plumbing Problems You Need to Deal With Fast

Out of all the seasons, winter can have the worst impact on your plumbing system. Knowing what problems can arise during this time of year can equip you with the knowledge to keep your plumbing intact. Plumbing issues are a dime a dozen, but there are a few that are more common than others. Here are the common winter plumbing problems you need to deal with fast.

Frozen Pipes Outdoors

Your outdoor pipes can very easily become frozen over, so it’s important to insulate them well. If you have a hose connected to the water line while it’s freezing out, it can cause pressure to build up. It’s this built-up pressure that can cause your pipes to burst. Make sure you disconnect your hose prior to the first freeze to avoid expensive repairs in the dead of winter. Another way to protect your water line is to get a faucet jacket to protect it from the cold air.

If your water line does break, it’s not a bad idea to have stainless steel valves installed in their place. Stainless steel valves can withstand harsh weather, like frigid temperature and snow storms. If you’re interested in having them installed, ask your local plumber for more details.

Frozen Pipes Indoors

While frozen pipes are a common problem you should expect to see during the winter months, you might not expect to see frozen pipes indoors. However, they’re still very common. Any pipe that’s exposed to freezing temperatures 20 degrees or lower is prone to freezing. If a pipe freezes and the water pressure is high enough, it could burst, which is an even bigger problem. Common signs of frozen pipes include a low water output, odd sounds from within the pipe, and foul tasting or smelling water. 

Indoor pipes often freeze when the residents are on vacation and leave the thermostat lower than it usually would be. That means you could come home to a big mess. To prevent this, keep the thermostat heating your house. Additionally, if possible you want to keep water moving through the most vulnerable pipes, like the exposed pipes under the sink. Turn them on to drip water while you’re out of town. While these tips may seem like drains on your utility bills, they can help prevent expensive repair bills.

No Hot Water

Cold weather can take away the one thing we all look forward to during winter: hot water. If the water refuses to heat up to your desired temperature, it may be because your home’s water heater is affected by the low temperatures. In most cases, a simple fix includes adjusting the temperature. But if changing the temperature doesn’t fix it, your best bet is to contact your local plumber to assess the problem.

Frozen Septic Tank

A frozen septic tank requires immediate attention. Not only can this put a complete stop to your drains, it can also cause sewage to leak inside your home. What’s in the septic tank can end up freezing and cause a backup to occur as well. If you suspect your septic tank is frozen, schedule an emergency service call as soon as you can.

Without proper preparation, winter can wreak havoc on your plumbing. Play it safe, and use this information to identify possible plumbing problems and take the appropriate actions before they escalate.

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