What To Do If You Are Involved In An Accident With A Truck

Getting into an accident can take away a lot of your quality of life. On the low end of the spectrum, you may not be able to do your favorite DIY projects. On the other end, you could face years of physical therapy and a mountain of doctor’s bills. 

A truck driver’s negligence is one common accident on the highway. Trucks are hazardous due to their size, the sheer amount of them on the road, and the fact that the drivers are often fatigued. 

Stay at the scene

It is essential to not leave the accident scene even if you feel like you are not injured. Once you leave the stage, your case can become complicated to prove. Wait for emergency responders to arrive and give them an account of the accident.

Don’t attempt to move your car right away, as its position of it will usually give an indication of how the accident happened. Take pictures if it is safe, which can be used later for a potential court case. 

If you are injured, then make sure that you wait for EMTs to arrive and give you aid. They will ask if you want to be seen by a doctor if they feel your injuries are not life-threatening. You should go even if you think your injuries are minor. 

Take down the information of the driver of the truck. At the same time, getting information from all the other drivers in the accident and bystanders who witnessed it is crucial.

Keep detailed records

The more information that you can give to your lawyer, the better. This information will help them build their case and elevates the chances of a successful claim against the insurance company.
Should you decide to hire an Austin truck accident lawyer (or a lawyer local to you), the more information that you can give to them, the better. This information will help them build their case and elevates the chances of a successful claim against the insurance company.

Document every phone call with your insurance company, the other insurance companies, and their lawyer. Also, keep all of the receipts from medical expenses that have been paid.

If you missed work due to injury or distress, then make sure to document the missed days and the lost wages. 

Don’t talk to adjusters

At some point, you will be contacted by the other insurance company and speak with a claims adjuster. They are not calling to check in on you or get your side of the story. Their purpose is to get you to say something that can be used to ruin your case. Don’t make any statements to them at all. If they have questions, refer them to your lawyer. 

Watch over your health

The human body is not designed to handle much force or physical impact. One gets this during a car accident, especially if it’s a truck. No matter how severe or minor this accident was, it’s essential to keep a close eye on how you’re feeling. Even if you feel safe, your seat belt was tightened, and you aren’t currently facing any pain, keeping a close eye on it is still essential. In most cases, a collision will cause much damage and injuries.  It also takes months for the healing process to run its course if you want to recover.

You must see your doctor as soon as possible after having an accident. Not only will this help with the insurance claim, but you must also watch over your health. Some injuries take a little time before they develop, so you must seek medical attention immediately and not wait. Some injuries, such as a head injury or fracture, will be more significant than others. Concussions tend to be the most common injury during a collision. Sometimes these head injuries will come with teeth being chipped or knocked out. 

Whether you’re showing symptoms or not, just seek medical attention immediately. Sometimes there are delays in feeling pain or other expected symptoms from a collision. Watch over your health care and look for things that are out of the ordinary for your body.


Make sure to have a good lawyer when you find yourself in this situation. They will handle just about everything while you focus on healing and moving on with your life. 

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