Useful Tips on Keeping Your House Free of Pests

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Pests can be a major nuisance. They invade your home, contaminate your food, and even spread diseases. It is essential to prevent pests from entering your household. The best option is to contact professional pest control services like Saela to avoid infestations. However, there are ways you can prevent them from becoming an issue. In this article, you will learn what to do to keep your house pest-free.

Set Traps 

Once a problem gets serious, extermination is a good way to make sure these pests never come back, but it’s a hard and often dangerous task. Homeowners all around the Old Dominion state usually call pest control companies like this one in Lorton who know how, when, and where to set up traps to get rid of the pests for good. If you don’t want to deal with setting traps and waiting around for results, consider hiring a professional pest control company that will know how to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

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If setting traps is something you’re interested in doing yourself, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, identify what kind of pest you’re dealing with. This will determine what kind of trap you need to set. Second, choose a good location for the trap. Pests are often attracted to certain areas in your home, so setting the trap near these areas will increase your chances of catching them. 

Dispose Of Your Trash Correctly

Responsible waste disposal is one of the most effective ways to keep pests out of your home. Pests are attracted to food waste, so it’s important to keep your garbage can clean and properly sealed. You should also empty your trash regularly and avoid leaving food scraps around the house.

If you have a recycling bin, make sure it’s also kept clean and sealed. Recycling is another source of food for pests, so it’s important to be diligent about disposing of your recyclables as well.

Garbage needs to be kept in a bin with a tight-fitting lid and should be taken out to the curb on garbage day. The sooner you can get it out of your house, the better. If you have a compost bin, make sure it’s also kept clean and free of food waste.

Proper waste disposal is an important part of keeping your home free of pests. By following these simple tips, you can help keep your house pest-free all year long.

Seal Off Entry Points 

There are a lot of different places in your home pests can come in easily. These are the following:

  • Gaps and cracks in walls
  • Openings around doors and windows
  • Holes in floors
  • Vents
  • Drain pipes
  • Gaps in cabinetry

To help prevent pests from coming into your home, make sure to seal off these areas. You can use weather stripping, door sweeps, and caulk to fill in any gaps. By sealing off entry points, you can help keep your home free of pests.

Use caulk to seal gaps and cracks in walls, around doors and windows, and in cabinetry. You should also weather-strip doors and windows to create a barrier against pests and install door sweeps on all exterior doors to keep pests out.

Check all the vents, drain pipes, and other openings to make sure they are sealed properly.

If you don’t have the time, hire professional pest control services to do this job for you. They will know how to find and seal all the potential entry points in your home.

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By sealing off these entry points, you can help keep your house free of pests and make it a less inviting place for them to live. 

Keep The House Clean And Decluttered 

Pests are attracted to filth and clutter as it makes it easier to hide and build their nests. To keep your home clean and pest-free, start with a deep clean at least once a week to get rid of any dirt, dust, or food particles that may have accumulated. This includes vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping all floors, scrubbing sinks and countertops, and cleaning toilets and showers.

Make sure to put away all food immediately after meals as pests are attracted to the smell of food. Be sure to wipe down counters and tables too. You can also do weekly laundry so that there is no pile of dirty clothes lying around for pests to hide in.

Take out the trash regularly so that rubbish doesn’t build up inside the house. You can also keep storage areas neat and tidy so that there is no room for pests to hide. Lastly, seal up any cracks or holes in the walls or floors as this will prevent pests from entering your home.

Maintain Your Yard 

Your backyard can be a huge gathering place for all sorts of pests and animals. If you have a lot of trees, bushes, and foliage, then you’re more likely to have critters like opossums, raccoons, and squirrels taking up residence. Even if you don’t have any trees, your backyard can still be a target for rodents and other small animals looking for food or shelter.

One of the best ways to keep your house free of pests is to make sure your yard is well-maintained. Keep your grass trimmed and get rid of any piles of leaves, brush, or debris. If you have trees, trim back any branches that are close to your house. By taking these simple steps, you can deter many pests from making your backyard their home. 

Store Your Food The Right Way

Never let the pests get the scent of your food. Be sure to keep all food in airtight containers, and put away any leftovers as soon as possible. If you have a pet, make sure their food is also stored in a secure container. In addition, always store trash in a garbage can with a lid, and take it out regularly. By storing food the right way and taking out the trash, you’ll help keep your house free of pests.

Pests can destroy your home and your belongings. To prevent them from taking over, be sure to follow these tips on storing food and keeping your house clean. With a little effort, you can keep your home free of pests for good.


Pests are a huge problem for many people, but if you hire someone to set traps, you’ll get rid of them in no time. Make sure to dispose of the trash correctly and seal off all the entry points. Keep the house clean and decluttered, and do the same with your backyard. Finally, make sure to store your food away correctly to make sure they are not drawn toward your kitchen. You’ll have peace of mind once you do these things!


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