Relative Relocation: 4 Tips for Moving Your Relatives into a Senior Community

Helping your elderly relatives move into a senior community is something you may find yourself doing one day. In fact, you may be in the midst of it now. Following some useful tips can help to make the transition fruitful.

Don’t be Pushy

You may feel that you must pressure them into moving into a senior community. You may feel this way if you begin seeing loved ones start to struggle with getting around. Finances and struggles to pay the bills can be another catalyst for these feelings. A major goal of many senior communities is to provide a relaxing environment. They are also often filled with opportunities and social activities for their members. Therefore, you don’t want to make the communities seem as though they are punishments. Forcing your loved ones to select a community too quickly can bring negative vibes into the process.

Help Them Downsize

For most people, moving into a senior community means downsizing. Many individuals, for example, are moving from a house into a condominium or an apartment. Your relatives may need assistance with that level of downsizing. You can help them by going through items together. As you pull certain items out of the attic or basement, you might feel reminded of good memories, and you can revel in these moments. Once they have decided what they no longer want to keep, you can them to organize a yard sale or to donate the items to individuals in need.;

Hire a Moving Service

Your loved ones might think that they can just move themselves into the senior community. Whether they moved themselves in the past or are underestimating how many possessions they have to move, they may feel confident in this decision. Explain how hiring professional movers like Wheaton World Wide Moving or someone similar in your locale can make the process easier and how these movers can bring the heavy items from the house into the community. If you have the money to do so, you may want to consider getting the moving services for them as a housewarming gift.

Encourage Activities

Your relatives might have chosen to move into the senior community for a variety of reasons, but they may need some encouragement to take advantage of what the environment really has to offer. While you may not have the opportunity to participate in activities and programs with them, you can encourage them to attend. For example, you can look up programs that they might really enjoy and let them know the time and location. If they are nervous about getting lost, embark upon the journey with them to find the spot. 

Helping with this move means you get to spend precious time with relatives. It also means that you can assist your loved ones in feeling more comfortable with their new environment.

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