Poor Gut Health: How to Detect It in Children

Poor gut health among children is an ongoing issue for many parents. That burning pain your child is complaining about or that repeated burp could be a sign of acid reflux. As much as these obvious symptoms present themselves to people, yours might stay under the radar until you reach a medical center for another unrelated condition. Now, think about it, if it is hard for you as an adult to detect the problem, what about children who can go on and on without saying anything?

However, there are some signs you check out to know to some degree that your child has a gut health problem. Depending on their age, children behave strangely when they have gut problems. Age matters significantly since a toddler will not complain that they have a stomach issue but will show it in other ways. On the other hand, young adults have well-developed speech, and depending on their nature, they will complain of the apparent signs related to gut problems. 

What are the apparent signs of gut problems?

Noteworthy, most gut issues will likely affect the abdominal regions. Therefore, changes in those areas can give an idea of gut problems regardless of age. With a gut problem, your child can complain of the following:

  • Acidic stool
  • An achy back, especially after a meal
  • A bloated stomach, easily identified by an enlarged stomach
  • Squirming at night when sleeping
  • Sluggish bowel
  • Burping all the time or having hiccups
  • Pain in the abdomen that seems to concentrate on one point

The above symptoms are the most significant for people with consistent gut problems. If your child constantly complains about one or more symptoms, they might have a gut problem. Other less significant signs for people with gut issues include:

  • Excessive tooth decay is apparent by repeated medical visits, tooth grinding, and some patches noticeable on their pillows after a night’s sleep
  • Allergies to cold, or cases of asthma and additionally sinus problem
  • Skin problems such as eczema, rashes, or red bumpy skin

Why should you have your child’s gut health under control?

While you can choose not to do anything about the problem, poor gut health can significantly influence a child’s mental health now and in the future. The intestines, a part of the digestive system, have essential bacteria that must stay balanced for your child to have no symptoms of gut problems. However, when this is not the case due to excessive acids or other gut issues, your child can have constant symptoms that can disturb their development. The gut is a part of the body which needs to harmonize with others for a better life. Gut issues, if left untreated, can cause the following as part of your child’s long journey to adulthood:

  • A disturbed sleep pattern
  • A compromised immune system
  • Poor mental health coupled with a bad  mood all the time
  • Respiratory issues that seem never to go away
  • Weight and growth problems
  • Cognitive issues, especially when it comes to learning
  • Poor feeding habits

Steps to solve poor gut health in children

The best and the most regarded method to deal with gut problems is incorporating a new diet for your child. You must limit processed foods in their diet as much as possible and give them fresh, whole foods with little danger to their guts. Vegetables are a good addition, especially when combined with fermented meals, which help keep your child’s gut balanced. You may also wish to add a supplement that can help promote good gut health, which, thanks to an Active Advantage coupon, may not even be as expensive as you think. Foods with additives are a no-go zone, as they worsen gut issues. It would also help to have some antibiotics you can reach when your child’s gut situation worsens suddenly. Pediatric Gut Health also has a cheat sheet where you can find solutions to gut issues affecting your child, ranging from reflux to food allergies and intolerance.

Learn how to heal gut inflammation from within with this helpful infographic:

The Gut-Inflammation Connection was provided by Nava Health, a holistic health center in Ashburn, VA

To state the least, gut issues are a nightmare, as they limit children in many ways. Digestive problems make children moody, less excited, and sickly. However, you can incorporate methods such as a change in diet or even changes in eating patterns to improve the gut situation of your child. Never forget when the problem persists and home remedies can no longer help, find an expert for a better diagnosis.

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