More or Less: How Much Space Do You Really Need in Your Next Apartment?

Beginning the search for a new apartment comes with a lot of big decisions. Among those big decisions, the square footage of the apartment is one of the most important. After all, who wants to live in a cramped apartment? However, despite what you might think, getting an apartment that’s too big can be equally problematic. There’s truly nothing more depressing than a room with bare, white walls containing only a single exercise bike—and the extra rent cost to go along with it. To help you discover your “Goldilocks Zone” of square footage, here are some of the more common apartment configurations.

Studio Apartment

The classic choice for college students, single working adults, or people who value privacy, studio apartments are about as small as you can go in square footage. While for some, the fact that you can make a small collection of decorations go a long way is a plus. Just be careful when downsizing from a larger apartment so you don’t end up cramped or shoving everything into third-party storage.

One-Bedroom Apartment

Though functionally similar to a studio layout, you would be surprised by how much of a difference the extra compartmentalization makes. Space is important, especially when living with someone, so just the ability to move to different rooms is worth the upgrade from a studio apartment for many people.  It’s easy to find apartments like this. A quick Google search will give you quite a list. For example. Google San Jose apartments 1 bed, and you’ll find several options. The same holds true for other areas of the country, as well.

Even if you’re living alone, a single bedroom has a number of perks that still apply. The separation of living and sleeping spaces means that if you commonly entertain guests, you can keep your personal space private. In essence, a one-bedroom is a great option if you don’t live alone or if you use your living space for more than just living.

Two-Bedroom Apartment

While a one-bedroom can certainly house two or more people, many are more comfortable in a two-bedroom apartment. Not only does this reduce the potential friction between roommates, but it also allows for multiple households of belongings to fit without piling up. Even if you live alone, the extra bedroom can serve as a dedicated space for a guestroom, gym, office, hobby room, or a combination of those.

Three or More Bedroom Apartment

Contrary to what you might initially think, most apartments with three or more rooms are usually less expensive per room than apartments boasting less sleeping space. This size of the apartment is great for families or several roommates living together. Just keep in mind that the more space you have, the more you’ll likely pay for utilities. If you don’t have enough people to fill the extra rooms, they can quickly become more hassle than they’re worth.

While there are reasons to choose any one of these layouts, ultimately you’re the only one who knows what your needs are. Peruse the apartment market as you will, just be cautious of over or underestimating the space you’ll need.

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