Keep Out: Security Features That Stop Intruders From Entering Your Home

The safety of your home is always something that should be on your mind. Unfortunately, you can’t spend every waking hour working to ensure that your home stays secure. Instead, you’ll have to rely on a handful of security features that can stop intruders from entering your home.

Automatic Lights

One of the most important features that you can add to your home is an automatic floodlight. Most break-ins aren’t the result of months of observation and careful planning. Instead, these crimes are almost always crimes of opportunity. If you can add a few automatic or motion-activated lights around your home, you’ll make criminals think twice about getting too close and being noticed. Though these lights won’t physically stop anyone from getting into your home, they do work as excellent deterrents.

Security Doors

Security doors are a more physical sort of impediment to break-ins. These doors are solid and reinforced, making them more difficult to break down than average doors. The doors also tend to have a reinforced frame, which means that criminals can’t simply cut around the outside of the lock to get into your home. These doors are great as a first line of defense and can help to deter those who are looking for an easy break-in.

Window Locks

Locking your windows can be an incredibly easy way to keep intruders out. While most intruders know that the front doors of homes will be locked, many do assume that it will be easier to get in through the windows. If you can invest in windows that are locked from the inside, though, you’ll be able to keep these entry points from becoming a weakness in your home’s security plan. Alarms that sound if a window is broken by an intruder are also a smart addition.


Finally, a good fence can go a long way towards making your home harder to break into. A tall, wooden fence not only blocks out the back doors and windows from prying eyes, but it provides a barrier between your home and the rest of the world. Though no fence is totally insurmountable, it’s a good idea to remember that any barrier greatly decreases the chance that the average intruder will choose to break into your home.

The best ways to keep your home safe are to add impediments that make breaking in too much work for criminals. Items like locks, security doors, and even fences can go a long way towards keeping your home safer. Though you cannot plan for every contingency, setting up your home to be less break-in friendly is something that can be done by any homeowner.

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