If you’re one of the lucky people who enjoy cleaning then great, but for many, it is one of life’s necessary evils. This infographic from HappyCleans looks at cleaning from the point of view that it’s a workout. Hopefully, it will be the encouragement you need to tidy up around the house a bit more often. Some people might not realize that they are burning calories as they work their way through a variety of household tasks. For example, dusting burns around 174 calories in an hour so if you spent an afternoon dusting you would likely burn over 500 calories. If you want to work on toning your arms, you can strap on light weights to your arms as you dust.
If you want to take your cleaning to the garden, mowing the lawn is a fantastic way to burn calories and rids you of 185 calories in just 30 minutes. Even taking out the trash can be a bit of a workout and it’s the perfect opportunity to do some bicep curls before disposing of them. Check out the full infographic now and get to cleaning!