How to Protect Your Home While You Are Away

The warmer weather is quickly approaching and that can only mean one thing…vacation time! While you are out relaxing and having fun, you’ll want to make sure your home is safe and secure while you are gone. Here are some great tips to help you protect your home while you are away.

Don’t post your vacation plans online

While everyone is posting about their daily lives on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, your vacation plans are something you don’t want to post on these sites. You certainly don’t want tons of people knowing that your house will be unoccupied for two weeks while you are on vacation in Hawaii.

Don’t leave your spare keys hidden

If you normally hide a spare key under the welcome mat or in a planter, you want to remove them before you head out on vacation. Thieves that know you are away on vacation will spend time looking around for that spare key.

Do stop all your mail deliveries

If you are leaving home for more than a few days, you want to contact your local post office and stop mail delivery until you return home.

Do stop all your newspaper deliveries

Nothing says you are gone on vacation like a pile of newspapers sitting on your front porch. When you leave for vacation, have your newspaper delivery stopped until you come back.

Do install electronic timers

If a burglar is watching your home and they notice that there are no lights on at night, this is a red flag that you are gone away for a while. At the same time, you don’t want to leave the same light on constantly while you are away. Instead, install timers on devices like lamps and televisions. You can set them to turn on and off at certain times of the day.

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